Bump This Thread When Jimmy Carter Outlives Someone Nonterrible

Damn, I’ll never speak ill of clowns again.


What an incredible legacy he left on the world. Takes a real special person to go to war torn countries with the sole goal of putting smiles on kids faces. Hope you and your family are holding up as best you can.


You scared me. Thought my Dad suddenly got 10 years older without me being aware of it.


Haha, I laugh because of all the times I’ve stumbled through an explanation of what they do. “So they’re clowns….but not ‘clowns’ clowns like you’re thinking. It’s more street theater, but they don’t talk at all…no, not mimes… but they also do a theater show with fabric and wind…[gets blank looks]…here, let me just show you a video”



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Fired from MSNBC for opposing the war in Iraq in 2003.


Looks like they at least have the decency to not post about how sad they are to lose one of their own.

Today show above is NBC…watching now to see if they mention how their parent company fired him…nope.



This guy sounds kinda OK. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt because I like books.

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I used ChatGPT to dig up some dirt!

While Leonard Riggio was a giant in the bookselling industry, his aggressive expansion of Barnes & Noble came with some downsides. His superstore strategy, which brought books to the masses, also led to the closure of many independent bookstores. Small business owners often accused Barnes & Noble of predatory practices, especially when the chain opened stores near local competitors. The company faced legal challenges too, with accusations of unfair business practices by the American Booksellers Association.


You’ve Got Mail


he and his brother were in town for their sister’s wedding. very sad situation


Awful details. Drunk driver on a two lane road. The vehicle in front of him moves over (crossing the middle line) to pass Gaudreau and his brother, and the drunk driver proceed to try and pass him on the right and slams into the Gaudreaus.

Ugh thats awful. That poor family. How the hell do they go through with the wedding today?

Just sickening.

I would assume they don’t.

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I’ve done a ton of cycling and cycle-touring.
From reading that, I wonder if they were cycling side by side, possibly chatting. Maybe why the first car went out wide enough that the drunk/aggro/cranky driver thought he could blast through the wrong side.
[If that’s what happened here]

When cycling with someone and you know vehicles are behind you, it’s good to slip into single file anyway. Mainly for courtesy to allow them easier passing. I’ve never heard of or come across this scenario tho’. Drunk driver here is obv a dumb turd.

that’s exactly what happened, the drunk driver admitted that he thought the other driver was trying to block him from passing on the left, his ego got fractured so he floored it and tried to make the pass on the right shoulder.

I’m not sure if it would have made a difference if they were single file or not, not going cycling at night is the only real way to avoid something like this.

Am I the only one who imagined them being on kid bikes when this happened? When I first read the story that is the image I had and I can’t shake it.

It’s a very sad story and fuck the drunk driver. I am sure he will do months in jail, because drunk driving is just not that serious.

He’s being charged with two counts of vehicular homicide in addition to whatever DUI stuff, and according to this story, faces a max of ten years in prison.


