Bump This Thread When Jimmy Carter Outlives Someone Nonterrible

He wrote some ugly stuff about the existence of homeless people in his area. Bad for sure but unless I missed the worst of it tough to justify trashing him in death over it.

Ah, Bill Walton belongs in the other thread. Gave a terrible idea momentum and ā€œlegitimacyā€ and now it wonā€™t die. He joined all the worst people in San Diego in pushing for a homeless concentration camp.


Havenā€™t read this fully yet, but I donā€™t think thatā€™s enough. The camp idea has enough plausibility that a not bright, but well-intentioned person could think that it would be a way to help. If all heā€™s doing is espousing that, Iā€™d call him an idiot but not necessarily evil. Could be both for sure. I just donā€™t have a handle on his thought process or level of involvement yet.

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One thingā€™s for sure, The Conference of Champions really is no more.

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As a San Diego political insider, I can tell you, it was a lot. He had a lot of political clout (read: money) and was also one of the people behind the push for Todd Gloriaā€™s camping ban.

Iā€™m pissed that our supposedly progressive mayor caved.

The bad part about all of this is that when Bill Walton endorsed Sunbreak, all of a sudden a bunch of random ā€œaverageā€ voters learned about this and latched onto it. Without his endorsement, it would have remained a crazy idea that only a few RWNJs talked about.

And yes, itā€™s bad. The places they want to put this camp have no services, no good sources of water, and would require billions of dollars in new infrastructure. In the desert. Itā€™s a humanitarian and environmental nightmare.

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As a caveat, I canā€™t be sure heā€™s 100% evil. This policy is just one of the ones that really triggers me.

He, like most people, probably belongs in a ā€œbump this thread when sometime-terrible and sometimes not-terrible famous people dieā€

Because the majority of people arenā€™t 100% bad or 100% good. Except Kissinger. he can rot.


Whatā€™s the worst thing a person can do and be non-terrible?

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True. Only I am 100% good and pure. The rest of you range from 0% (you know who you are) to 99% (@clovis8 :two_hearts: :two_hearts: :two_hearts:).


Last game was a few days ago. Incredible.

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I gotcha, dawg.


I vote for just one obit threat, but for each notable death we take a poll to rate people based on their goodness on a scale from 0 (Stalin) to 100 (Bryant Gumble).


Fuck the entire existence of these threads.

non terrible doesnā€™t mean awesome. He belongs in here.


I think we should remove the ā€œnon-terribleā€ and just have this thread as a default for people who will be missed.

How many of our parents would meet a purity test that excludes being a rich dude who supports a bad idea on homeless people?

You are only as good as your worst deed. Unless I really like you anyway, then you get special dispensation.

Whatā€™s even the point of the internet if I canā€™t purity test dead people who only shared 90% of the same beliefs that I do


I hear Bill Walton didnā€™t like the same kind of pizza I do.

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I think youā€™re taking this whole thing too seriously. Weā€™re just shitposting on a largely unknown politics forum. Almost no one reads these posts (itā€™s not like Waltonā€™s widow is gonna come on UP and get upset) and even among those who do, no one really cares that much. Itā€™s 95% just idle chatter.

Yep, not to mention we donā€™t really know if someone who by all accounts was a saint was really terrible. Itā€™s just shit posting.

The terrible person thread should be about those we wish to shit post about and dance on their graves. Some people find that unseemly, so this thread should be for posting about dead people who donā€™t induce that behavior.

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