Bump This Thread When Jimmy Carter Outlives Someone Nonterrible

Well, maybe there isn’t anything. That would be nice for a change.

He did an apparent Nazi salute in 2021 (while visibly wasted), and was a covid denier at that festival in one of the Dakotas in 2020.

But considering the number of men in entertainment who have gotten a pass on domestic violence and sexual assault, I don’t object to him being in this thread instead of the other one. Clearly he had his daemons.

Out of curiosity, I just played all those songs on Youtube. Beside Margaritaville, I don’t think I had previously heard any of them. They were horrible imho.


He’s fun in concert :slight_smile:

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I assume the liver failure came from heavy drinking? Im sure there are other options but I remember reading quite a few stoties of him bring wasted.

Apparently he had been a hardcore alcoholic since 2001 when his only son died at 6 months from leukemia. Pretty terrible.

He allegedly had Wernicke-Korsakoff’s Syndrome…meaning he literally drank his brain away. :flushed:

People should only be allowed one pick.

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Jackson being well overrated in famous artists. He stopped getting play/airtime after his trial really, most people under 40 won’t have heard a ton of him. You’re at ~20 years without much relevance.

Michael Jackson is a top 10 artist all time but ok


Once again the point of the exercise was percentage of Americans that could name two songs from a single artist. I’m 37 I can’t imagine anyone close to my age not being able to at least name Thriller and Beat It (and Billie Jean, and Free Willy theme song (not really that much on Free Willy theme song, but I do love it))

Probably Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude. It’s five Oclock somewhere might count even though it was sung with Alan Jackson. Pirate Looks at 40 might be pretty recognizable, too. I’m not a Parrot Head, but I grew up in Florida so I heard Buffett all the time.

“Volcano” mysteriously missing from this list

Also not a Parrot Head but my roommate in college was. No idea how Buffett songs vibed with somebody growing up in the mountains but it did.

I actually had to look Volcano up and I recognized it when I did, so yeah not a Parrot Head, lol.

Re: non-beach bum/island hopper people identifying with JB, yeah that’s bizarre.

I think it provides a bit of escapism for people stuck in cold, rugged environments.

At least that’s my speculation.

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They want to be where it’s warm


That’s why

I asked a bunch of high school kids who I play pick up b ball games with sometimes . They all knew of him and blurted out the songs mentioned. Stop making things up.

My 10 year old daughter was trying to do the moonwalk yesterday

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Super nice guy and a terrific guitar picker:

Should be mentioned that “I Want You Bad” is an NRBQ cover.

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