Bump This Thread When Jimmy Carter Outlives Someone Nonterrible

Damn that’s sad. :cry:

Didn’t the Foos cancel a show due to a medical emergency a couple months back? I wonder if that emergency involved Taylor.

Yeah and we know what that means :frowning:

Drugs or gun to face

So fucking sad

Was at that last sound garden show. This was hurts as much as that one.

Could be a heart attack or something, too.

Missing out on seeing Soundgarden before Chris passed is one of the things I regret.

Ugh, this sucks. 50 is too young

This is why I go see everyone. Eagles were in town Thursday. Never saw them before. Got tickets the day off for about 100 each. GD are those guys good.

You just never know. Have to live when you are alive

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I have literally heard an anti-masker say this.

I call classic rock bands my bucket list. I don’t want to see them before I die, I want to see them before they die.

Had family young so missed out on so much in my 20s and 30s.

Exactly this. We saw Elton John, the stones, eagles, going to see The Who in the winter. They are among the best to ever do it. Have to see them once.

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I saw The Rolling Stones on their Steel Wheels tour because I didn’t want to miss them before they stopped touring. That was in 1989.


I saw them in 1981 and the buzz was this is their last tour. Bought my ticket from a scalper for $25.


Ditto. Plus longest lines I have ever seen when tickets went on sale at Tower Records.

“Congress fails”


They tried their best, the just came up a bit short. Maybe next time!

I dunno what thread that was supposed to go in, but it sure as heck wasn’t this one.


I once waited 6 hours split between two different waits in order to buy tickets to see Pink Floyd in Columbus in 1988.

Camping overnight for tickets used to be a thing. Sometimes that was more fun than the concert.

I missed out on the first show but was able to score a ticket for the show they added. One of the girls in my group was shitfaced and kicked over a guy’s cup of shroom tea while we were waiting in line. He took it way better than I would have.