Bump This Thread When Jimmy Carter Outlives Someone Nonterrible

Loved everwood.

Aww man that sucks. Hereā€™s a scene of his from Dead Heat

The fact people ride motorcycles amazes me. They are basically death traps.

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I never could understand it. Has to be an Adrenaline junkie thing. Itā€™s not even a little bit rational.

So weird when people zero in on motorcycles for irrational behavior

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RIP, Cormac McCarthy



He knew a lot of physics. And physicists.

Youā€™re totally wrong. A huge portion of the world would disagree that itā€™s not rational. Go see just about all of Asia, incl China. Plus almost every single small tropical island on the planet
In US, I commute on a motorcycle in summer, partly because itā€™s over 50mpg. Plus itā€™s fun! Lots are just weekend toys obv, but donā€™t knock it ā€˜til you know it.

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Can totally attestā€” saw whole families of 4 on one bike. Dad with 8 year old front and mom with a sling thing and baby on the back. Bangalore India.

Just seems like ignorance is protecting from rational thought. Quickly searching one in three accidents in India on a motorcycle end in a fatality.

I am going to call that irrational no matter how many people do it.

Also interesting to see 75% of all worldwide motorcycle deaths are in Thailand,

I mean do you honestly believe those numbers are accurate?

Ok, if youā€™re going to call it irrational in the West, thatā€™s one thing. Itā€™s ignorant of different values different people can put on different things, but whatever.

But you canā€™t just go calling it irrational for the worldā€™s poorest people. How do you want them to survive and get around and have a life?


I rode a motorcycle to work for a while and had a dirt bike. If I got on a bike today this might be my last post; not sure if it would be irrational.

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man what a writer, for me he combined the best ear of his generation with an impressionistā€™s eye and kohelethā€™s opinion of the world. RIP.


Anecdotal, but just within the past six months I have had two friends nearly die in motorcycle accidents.

One has been out of work since last September. Sheā€™s a bartender so ldo trash health plan and her bar and friends have been doing tons of benefits. Her right leg was broken in multiple places, compound fractures, the works. It barely resembled a leg. She still cannot walk and still at this point does not know if she will be able to again without crutches. For a while they thought she would lose the leg entirely.

Another just had his wreck two months ago, with his girlfriend on the back. Neither was wearing a helmet. She wasnā€™t hurt too badly. However, heā€™s totally and permanently fucked up. His right leg was amputated just below the knee, and he literally had half his face torn off and looks a lot like Richard Harrow from Boardwalk Empire.

Personally, Iā€™ve owned two bikes in my lifetime. I wrecked them both. One was minor, another was fairly serious and landed me in the hospital for about a week.

I will never, ever get on the back of another one. ymmv :v:


I will never ride a bike in the US, but Iā€™m basically always on one in SEA, itā€™s crazy how much different the riding cultures are


The idea of a motorcycle appeals to me. But fuck, idiot drivers already scare me enough when Iā€™m driving a car.


Every gambler knows how accurate the average person is at intuiting the expectation value of rare events. Ergo, if people are doing it, it must be rational and +EV. Smoking, voting, riding motorcycles, playing the lottery, all massive winners.


My parent were both EMTs. Their stories prevented any desire to ride motorcycles from developing in my brain. Iā€™m a mild adrenaline junky, but Iā€™m good on that.