Bump This Thread When Jimmy Carter Outlives Someone Nonterrible

I agree after thinking about it that you’re probably right and I’m wrong about this

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Love thy neighbor? Pulling an Ass out of a pit on the Sabbath? Shit like that?

I don’t give a fuck who’s right or wrong, this is something you just don’t say, ever. Please stop.

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100 new posts. Someone die?

Jim Brown a couple days ago.

Mostly discussions of what makes a terrible vs not terrible person after that.

Average life expectancy for an NFL player is somewhere 53 to 59 years. JB was 87.

This is because you’re underestimating two different things: the number of people who DID get into trouble in the 1800s, and people’s un-willingless to do anything that could get them into trouble (or mildly cost them anything at all) even if it’s against actual chattel slavery or the actual Holocaust

Your assumptions lead you to believe people didn’t know slavery or the Holocaust were wrong. Because you’re not accurately counting the number of people resisting, and then you’re not multiplying that number by like 100,000 or a million to get the actual number of people who know it’s a moral disaster

You don’t go around thinking only the people convicted of felonies are the ones who believed in a movement in 2020

Cactus do you know who John Brown was?

Do you know that the idea that he was “crazy” was a 20th century invention? Very few contemporaries actually thought he was crazy to take up arms against slave owners

Cactus, you post on a website of people who spend multiple hours EVERY SINGLE DAY about how wrong things are, but get extremely snippy and defensive and then just outright lie when you suggest they could use some of their time and resources to stop it

Holy shit really? That’s so awful

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It’s what google told me anyway.

The anti-slavery book Uncle Tom’s Cabin in 1852 was the best selling novel and second best selling book (behind the Bible) in the 19th Century.

You’re correct I’m not counting the accurate number of people who were resisters back then. I assumed they were few and far between

I seem to be grossly underestimating the number of people of that time who accepted slavery to be acceptable. I thought they were no more bothered by it than they were of using horses to get places

What have I lied about? When I have something wrong, I admit it. It seems I was wrong about the number of people who resisted slavery back then. But I still say it’s foolish to act like any of us know what we’d do under the circumstances

You might want to re-read that. In that post, I don’t think he is saying that you are the one doing the lying.

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edited for the correct interpretation I think

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Jesus I misunderstand and misinterpret a ton of stuff I guess

:) No worries. As JohnnyTruant says, “every day is a school day”.


What I found