Bump This Thread When Jimmy Carter Outlives Someone Nonterrible



Peter Crouch was the greatest footballer of all time. If you guys didn’t see that I pity you.

Somehow Kane isn’t the ugliest Spurs striker I’ve known

Don’t tell me she belongs in the other thread. Iconic career. Almost made it to another NYEs party.


Have no idea what her personal views were.

Hit me in the feels- she was born about three weeks before my Dad.

I believe she is the one confirmed that Santa wasn’t real when I was in second grade. They told parents to send kids out of the room but mom was busy with something so I just said “what’s this all about”. She gets no credit for my next realization in 5th grade catechism.


Disturbing lack of Eusebio in this “Greatest Soccer Players of All Time” thread.

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Best soccer players of all time

  1. Dylan
  2. Dylan
  3. Dylan
  4. Dylan
  5. Dylan

I believe she hosted the View so probably just the standard Yas Kween shitlib type stuff

Yea not sure why but I got a little sad when I heard. I was not a huge fan or anything, and I rarely care about celebrity deaths, but she there’s just some sort of nostalgia surrounding her for me.

I wonder what percentage of Americans 18 or older recognize her voice immediately. She’s got to be one of the most recognized voices of all time.

Of the two people in this skit and the two people being portrayed, the real Kissinger is now the only one still alive.


Barbara Walters made people cry one last time.

(cue the “celebrities waiting for her in heaven” cartoons)

Right this is what my comment was about to begin with

Guardian lists are usually not atrocious and I think that list is also not atrocious considering it’s WC only and is also from 2014. Biggest question mark associated with Pele is that one scene in Victory when Michael Caine is doing a mortifying job diagramming a soccer play on a chalkboard but then Pele gets up and says nah he can just dribble here here here and then here and then score, and it’s a good moment because he’s pele and that’s cool and in fact it’s such a good moment that nobody gives pele any weird looks for how he just diagrammed himself scoring a historically demented own goal. He then makes up for this oversight by scoring a bicycle kick on hitler while not being distracted by the distracting combo of an oboe and a defender jumping for a cross fifty feet over his head


Like pele he suffers from too few of the current generation of sports writers seeing him play.

It’s like how some contemporary lists of greatest albums have few from before 1990.

Of course, but if your thesis is the popular one that unlike Maradona Pele didn’t carry a team to WC victory more or less singlehanded (lol at that idea anyway) you’re missing necessary data.

And I don’t believe you ever saw Cruyff or Pele play, but still have an opinion on their merits.

Fine as long as you’re ok with some annoying person in 30 years time who never saw him play insisting that Messi was overrated.

That will be less of a problem. In the future anyone who wanted die on this hill could be shown hours and hours of Messi GOATness in full HD. Can’t do that with Pele. The footage doesn’t exist.

There’s certainly enough to say that Pele was an all time great, even without the testimony of people who played with him and against him, and it doesn’t need to be in full HD for that to be obvious.

Small story

Went to Barcelona a few years back. Caught a 10pm local time kickoff. Wife watches very little soccer

About 10 minutes in she’s “who’s that he’s so good”

It was Messi obv

I think having non sports people being able to instantly realize this guy is on another level is pretty fun.





I guess it’s this one
