Brother to join the forum

if your consciousness was really imbued with God, you wouldn’t act as you do. It isn’t Christ-like, and you know it.

work on it, you can do it

Say Jesus loves you and is your savior first

I know.

I’m an atheist so this is just allegorical poetry in my engagement but I know Jesus loves me, just as I know that, literally, you are the wolves.

lol we’ve had a conversion!

but seriously… let’s end on a positive note. let your 33rd year please God :heart: :heart: :pray: :pray:

Nah man, if you know Jesus loves you, you’re just fooling otherwise.

Say it man - do it for Him.

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

6 straight hours high on meth JAQing off must be some kind of record.


The Lord works in mysterious ways, and you should know him.

we know his pestilence

I don’t -

that’s been established


My sister is a fan of conspiracy theories. Not that she believes them, but that she likes reading them and engaging with them like an X-Files episode. I’ll ask her what she thinks about 5g or anything else c-19 related.


I think they weren’t morons so I’m pretty sure they meant that your rights to liberty cannot infringe upon their rights to live. So, you know, in a pandemic STFU and stay at home for your fellow Americans. Don’t be an asshole. Simple stuff like that.

We could have but some asshole disbanded the pandemic response team at the CDC that was designed to handle shit like this.

See this is a policy you’ve finally stumbled onto that you support: paying taxes so the government can get rid of the virus and protect you from it. And whaddayaknow, your favorite politician did the opposite.


You guys can have your science, I’ll just be over here yelling fire in crowded buildings as is my right.

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Of all the attempted judo flips this one seems to be given the least rigorous planning.