Brother to join the forum

you are a serious mistake

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I’m suggesting that some non White’s held status in that time.

That’s not what you said. You said ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. That’s not some non whites.

This entire discussion is manifestation of profound loneliness and boredom (and probably a cornucopia of other emotional issues).

There’s such resentment that a family member would not do anything, including risk their life, to acknowledge a birthday you decided it was a good way to end this special day by lashing out at randoms on the internet in a desperate attempt to get the attention of that one person who matters the most.

Any good faith attempt at politics is a total waste of time. There are bigger issues in play here. Thread should be locked and you should be sent on your way.


What are the last 5 books you read?


Right - and you (and others) seem to imply
That meant only whites. Do you not?

Umm…no. All men being created equal means everyone whether they are White, Black, Indian, Mexican, Chinese. How do you not know this? JFC.

Bro, your racism is showing LOL.

Off and on I’ve been trying to make something with that.

Dunningnotkruger just sounds like a clarification.

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Think and grow rich, how to win friends and influence people. The art of the deal. The resolution of man, and reminisces of a stock operator.

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The first one is life. My right to life is more important than your right to liberty.

Thus in a pandemic it’s un-American to claim your rights are worth more than the lives of other Americans. The founders would not be proud of you.


fuck the founders


So when trump says he’s for all Americans, you agree he means regardless of race right?

Shhh I’m trying to use his gods against him.

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My life is just important? Do to as I choose with it?

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Ok I haven’t read the last 700 posts but what’s going on here? Hitlernothitler is a doomsday prepper and when c-19 gets bad he’s gonna hole up in trump’s golden penthouse and makeout with him or what?

That’s what I’ve pieced together so far.


So when OJ Simpson denies killing his wife, he speaks for all DV crimes?

Christ man, are this daft?

nah he’s actually arguing its no worse than the flu and we will have less than 47K deaths, but he’s also prepared in case he needs all of his GUNZ

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I see you put the principles you learned there into practice.


oh man, I just came up with the best game for myself:

If you look at all his short posts and imagine that it’s something from like a burn-o-matic mystery 8ball it really brings a little levity.