Brother to join the forum

I legit got Newman.

I think it’s cool

Good luck rebutting that one.


Just a mirror image for you.

Cool. Good luck to you. Vote Bernie!

You didn’t get Jerry tho.

I guarantee you’re a Bania.


Two Questions:

  1. Military Budget: Too high or too low?
  2. LGBTQ: Do they deserve liberty? Or death (because they’re icky)?

5G causing Covid.

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Seems like his meaning is easy to understand, although it could be stated more clearly. He is basically saying that he does not subscribe to utilitarianism, so trading lives for giving up his rights is an irrelevant question. He is espousing some form of deontological ethics, where his rights are universal and absolute and no number of lives saved can justify violating them.

You forgot birthday parties too. Dummies should stop having birthday parties.

Everything has always tied back into this being the revenge of the back of the class.

He thinks being smart is square. And btw who says square nowadays? It’s not hip to be square Mr Boomerphyte?

How does it feel to align culturally with a bunch of old people bro? Oh that’s right, your heroes are all long passed dead after losing their war to keep slaves.

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Don’t care -
Just leave me be

So, you’re cool with occupying Iraq and all that?

We never had 45k flu deaths in two months before even reaching the peak death rate.

Feels good I don’t have a problem with anyone until
They a problem with me.

… except for black people

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That’s probably unfair.

Nonwhites in general.



The proper question is “How many deaths have to take place before you consider postponing your birthday party?”

It really boils down to people who believe in anthropogenic climate change being real and harmful and something that should be stopped believe that we should be in the Paris agreement. People who don’t believe in it don’t think we should be in the agreement.

I don’t think anyone here is going to change your mind, so this topic has been exhausted and we should pick a new one.

Ponce de NBZ