Brother to join the forum

I’ve been saying less than 46K so
Imma stick there.

It isn’t only them that suffer.

People going to those gatherings then spread it to others who didn’t do those dangerous, stupid, selfish acts.

Do you not understand how the virus spreads?

Ok, and when we hit 46k in May what will you think then?

“It’s a joke” ‘haha no it’s not’ - needs no defending. There’s no rebuttal

Still waiting.

I understand. Do you feel others don’t?

Me too, is it not a joke?

It’ll suck. But we didn’t shut down the US for 45k deaths for the flu.

LOL I knew you couldn’t do it.

Tell you what. I’ll give you my rebuttal as long as you admit you are a fucking moron after I give the rebuttal.

Remember, I agree with you about it being a joke. I’m just disagreeing with you as to why it’s a joke.

Good answer man “this guy says it’s a joke
And won’t tell me why. I mean I don’t dispute it but haha.” Lol nice

You asked me about people doing things that only affect themselves, which is not what people downplaying covid and gathering in groups does. It affects us all.

As long as 40% of the country is downplaying this crisis, we will continue to not fully do what it takes to reduce the deaths to a lot lower number. Still better than what it coulda been had we not closed schools and sports and restaurant lobbies, but much worse than if everyone just took it seriously.

Again, we will hit your 46k in May and hopefully by then you will realize how bad this is and won’t keep downplaying it.

Let’s try one more time:

Are there any political views of yours that you can defend without requiring additional education? If so, what are they?

Answering this should contain:

  • A political view

Answering this should not contain:

  • A question

Sure man, just like passing the flu. I don’t care if I’m wrong. Seems like a lot of losers here do though. The Paris agreement is about taxes and money, nothing less. That’s why the folks who attend take private jets and yachts to get there. Why not lead by example? It’s a lie, and folks resent it.

No, we don’t shut it down for a disease many are vaccinated against and kills 0.1% and 45-70k a year.

But we do for a disease that even with shut down will kill 1M Americans in a year. And would have killed many more if we didn’t shut down.

What number after shutting down would cause you to believe the shut down was a good idea? When we hit 100k this summer? When we hit 200k? 500k? What amount of human lives is worth an economic hit and some annoyance, loss of income, cabin fever, etc?

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Sure i understand, folks are real scared and it’ll
Be my fault if they die right? (Unless I give up my rights of course.)

Lol where are your numbers coming from?

So your “rights” however you define them are worth 500k deaths? 1M? 2M? How much death of others are you willing to take on for your definition of your “rights?”

I don’t think so.

He literally can’t answer ANY question.

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