Brother to join the forum

This is an interesting statement. It sounds like you’re implying that an inanimate object can’t be a symbol of racism. But I can’t imagine you really believe that. For example, do you mean to say that it’s not racist to display a nazi flag, or that a statue of Goebbels couldn’t function as a symbol of nazi antisemitism?

Or else you’re implying that people think the statues themselves carry out racist acts. But if so that’s silly. People object to them because they are symbols of racist beliefs and actions, as is hopefully clear with the example of a nazi flag.


Threads like this are kind of pointless when conducted like this.

With so many questions, he can just answer the ones he wants to and ignore the ones he doesn’t.

It would be better to constrict the questions to like 3 to 5 important ones and don’t ask any others until there are satisfactory answers to those.

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It’s like a trump press conference


Explain your username and avatar.



Aw sheeit brother now you definitely need to explain your username and avatar.

Second choice after Jewswillnotreplaceus?


Noactuallyhitlerhadsomegoodideas was probably too long.


I’m grunching but as of now I’m giving him the b of the d that he doesn’t know how charged ‘heritage’ is in this context.

I mean, I probably wouldn’t (and I assume that’s saying something)

You either would or wouldn’t. Get off the fence.

well fuck


ok that’s all i got for now

He’s salty that he got called racist a lot when Obama was president “just because he didn’t like his policies”, I’ll let you judge that for yourself

What a snowflake.


Do you get along with your brother? I’ve had long violent arguments with my brother because he voted for the labor party (centre to centre left) over the green party in Australia. Can only imagine the ideological conflict here.

That’s like the biggest strawman of the Obama era:

“I was constantly called racist for simply offering my good-faith criticism of Obama’s policy positions.”

No you weren’t.


So it’s basically just Hannity level right wing boilerplate from this racist? I mean I only skimmed it but you guys are arguing with someone who hasn’t had an original thought in his life while simultaneously thinking he is a genius that anyone would want to hear from about how the world works.


Since you won’t answer the question, I will.

Secession and the Civil War was about one thing: Slavery.

Jim Crow laws were about racism.

The confederate statues put up in the 1900s were about racism.

Segregation and riots over desegregation were about racism.

The Democrat and Republican parties flipped in the 60s because of racism. Southern Democrats didn’t like the Civil Rights Movement.

There are tons of stuff to like about the South, but racism is rampant and a dark dark stain on our history and even our present.

Heritage and Dixie and the Confederate Flag and all that stuff IS RACIST.

Anybody who is proud of any of those is either willfully ignorant or racist; and it’s pretty much all the latter.

To paraphrase Jeff Foxworthy:

If you are ok with Confederate Statues remaining, you are a racist.

If you own a rebel flag, you are a racist.

If you put heritage in your user name, you are a racist.