Bill Gates, Billionaire Philanthropy, and the Vaccine Patents

What about south africa?

Work in a health department, work on a vaccination campaign, be a professional public health person.

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i had to read up on SA. i have no idea if they are capable or not. the syndicated article is pretty staunchly claiming SA facilities haven’t produced a vaccine start to finish in 20 years and are hopelessly behind the tech, but i have no way to verify this. but let’s assume it is true of at least some countries. the right approach for USA would be to try to rapidly increase SA production capacities, essentially necessitate that vax companies cooperate with SA government, and make sure that capable facilities remain after the crisis.

Its both South Africa and India that are pushing hard for the relaxation of IP protection. Why do you think they are doing that?

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Is being on the Epstein flight logs bad


He’s on the flight logs too? Gossip Twitter seems to be all over the Epstein angle as to why Melinda started talking to lawyers.

Gotta admit that associating in any way after the original charges stuck is pretty fucked up judgment.

they are doing that because at this stage of the pandemic they have to do something.

Yet again you’re assuming the mantel of a knowledgeable person when in fact you have none.

The guy who was asking how to use simple conditional formatting in Excel is now an authority on all the major “computer” (LOL) companies.

I’m not an expert on my personal opinion of Microsoft? Lol got it. Thanks for the timely and valuable contribution to the discussion.

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How many years did you toil and suffer to acquire your views on Microsoft Office? I’m at 20 years and counting so I think that makes me an expert on the Keed Scale.



is a statement of fact, not an opinion based on your personal and extremely limited experience of MS.

And no one has called them “computer companies” for 20 years.

MS suck at a lot of things but some of their enterprise dev tools and software is excellent and others (like Excel) are pretty good. If you think Office is bad you should go back in time and compare it to 123 and Notes lol.

If you want examples of really shitty “computer companies” look at Facebook and Twitter.

Suffer is a good word for it. For me it’s been about 30 years. I remember being forced to switch from WordPerfect, which was far superior, to office in the early 90’s.

I just had a flashback of loading WordPerfect which took something like 25 sequentially numbered floppy disks!


I think I’m on team Clovis for this one. Like, c’mon. There’s a certain irony that this thread is full of people asserting that Clovis has foolishly allowed himself to be brainwashed by the Bill Gate Reputational Marketing Machine, and at the same time we’re not going to allow Microsoft to be called a computer company? Are we really insisting, in the same breath, that we are smart enough to see through the Gates Foundation PR Campaign superficially elevating his personal brand AND we must not call Microsoft a computer company. THEY DON’T MAKE COMPUTER SOFTWARE STUPID!


I think I need a mental health day. Time to shut down the Electrified Tele Auto Compubox for the day.

It was a point about how using terminology that’s been redundant for decades is usually a good indicator of someone not knowing their arse from their elbow, which in this case turned out to be true.


Fair enough. I am old enough to remember when all we had were desk top computers (I think my first computer at work was coal fired) so my whole career has basically coincided with the rise of techno propaganda. So I always have a bit of a chuckle when we get into The Words that should be used to describe such high minded concepts as, uh, a word processor for writing business reports.

Lol me! Why am I engaging. My bad.

Yeah, the terminology has changed an awful lot. Computer department → IT department → Technology division with a seat on the board is another example.

I think my favorite it when corporations started calling the head of HR the “Chief People Officer” to try to get people to hate HR less.

HR always stood for Human Remains.