Well, I’m pretty shocked to be getting first-pick worthy talent at this stage of the game, but here we are. You guessed it:
Roy Stalin
Oops! I meant:
Attempting to summarize this person’s evil is quite a task, and one for which I am not qualified. Estimates of the number of deaths for which he was responsible vary widely, but 9 million seems pretty solid, with 6 million of those direct and intentional (the other 3 million from stuff life famine).
Whether arresting, torturing, and executing his enemies (real or perceived); fomenting famine; or co-operating with Hitler, it can be easily agreed that Stalin was one of history’s biggest assholes. To give you an idea of what kind of guy he was, from Wiki:
Stalin was ruthless,[781] temperamentally cruel,[782] and had a propensity for violence high even among the Bolsheviks.[777] He lacked compassion,[783] something Volkogonov suggested might have been accentuated by his many years in prison and exile,[784] although he was capable of acts of kindness to strangers, even amid the Great Terror.[785] He was capable of self-righteous indignation,[786] and was resentful,[787] vindictive,[788] and vengeful, holding onto grievances against others for many years.[789] By the 1920s, he was also suspicious and conspiratorial, prone to believing that people were plotting against him and that there were vast international conspiracies behind acts of dissent.[790] He never attended torture sessions or executions,[791] although Service thought Stalin “derived deep satisfaction” from degrading and humiliating people and enjoyed keeping even close associates in a state of “unrelieved fear”.[717] Montefiore thought Stalin’s brutality marked him out as a “natural extremist”;[792] Service suggested he had tendencies toward a paranoid and sociopathic personality disorder.[763]
And there you go. What could I possibly say about Stalin that hasn’t already been said?