He’d tell you he was:
-A blood brother of the Blackfoot nation
-A nuclear physicist
-A decorated war hero, receiving 21 combat medals during World War 2
-A naval captain who sank a Japanese submarine
-A once sightless cripple due to wounds sustained during battle
-An undercover naval intelligence officer breaking up cults
-A healer whose techniques could cure blindness, asthma and even increase one’s IQ
-Still alive as he has merely rid himself of his body
The reality is that Hubbard was none of those things. He is very much dead and was a more hateable version of Michael Scott while in the Navy. He created a “church” that has imprisoned numerous supposed church executives for decades. A church that is built on some of his very extreme views
On women
On homosexuality
He also seemed to be obsessed with abortion. Here are a couple of quotes from Dianetics
He also seems to not understand how miscarriages occur. Again from Dianetics
For a bonus, his views on China from his own diary
I know this is a limited write-up given how much of a piece of shit he was (didn’t even get into his marriages). I’d like to compensate by having you listen to one of his famous disciples speak.