Ill take Jim Jones
He won’t have the biggest body count, and he wont be the most outspoken of the assholes on this list, but the things he did to his cult members are barbaric and sickening, even to the leadup of the massacre at Jonestown.
Nearly 1/3 of the people killed in Jonestown were under 18.
What most people don’t know is that 70% of people’s Temple members were black. Jones preyed upon the weakest and most vulnerable sectors of our population, funding his projects through stealing social security and welfare checks of his members.
In the end, they had a chance to survive. To get out. Jones was sick, very sick. Instead of dying off and the people getting out, he did what every great asshole does. He decided to take everyone with him.
And who were some of the only people to survive the massacre? If you guessed his immediate family members, you’re right! Specifically his three sons.
Also, who wears sunglasses like this?
What an asshole