Biggest Assholes of All Time Draft

I was going to save this for later rounds but I am not sure there will be later rounds so I am going with:


Jesus was kind of a decent dude. Love your neighbor as yourself. Chilled with the lowlifes and talked shit on the corrupt and rich. Created booze for a party when they ran out for his first miracle. Went and fucked up some temples and stuff. Allegedly died a tortuous death for humankinds salvation.

So why is he an asshole? There are several reasons.

First this whole idea of worship me and I will save you is an incredibly juvenile idea. It sounds like something Donald Trump would say. Imagine you were God. Would you create some beings to live in misery and require them to unconditionally worship you to get their salvation. None of us would treat our dog like that so the idea that God would create that kind of a construct is completely absurd.

Secondly, this faith alone saves is a bullshit idea that has led to a whole lot of people doing a whole lot of evil things to try and “save” people who didn’t need saving. Oh good the first person he saved was a murderer on the cross. Isn’t that great! I guess I can be as evil as possible and as long as I believe in Jesus I am good! How many people have died trying to “spread” Christianity? I could make a huge list of the atrocities done in Christ’s name but I am at work and I assume you all are well aware anyways. Pretty much the entire spread of white people across the globe has been partially driven by Christianity and it has been a disaster for everyone except white people. Even as recently as today the US is still fighting a sort of proxy holy war against Islam. The last 2000 years have been a relentless attempt to spread Christianity around the globe and the net result is a whole lot of misery and suffering.

Lastly, almost all of the worst people I know are “Christian”. It allows people to be detethered from reality and feel like there is little to no consequence. It is the reason half the US doesn’t believe in science and instead believes in prayer and miracles. How many less people in the US alone would have died from Covid had our country and government not been riddled with these anti-science Christian morons. And that is one miniscule example in literally thousands of years of Christianity raping and pilaging nearly every corner of the globe.

Cliffs: The whole Christ story is incredibly juvenile and even if he existed and was a good dude the net result of his actions have been the single most damaging event of the last 2000 years or so. There is probably a case to be made he should have gone number 1.