Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Lol, idk what to tell you then man. There’s going to be literally millions of people who voted Biden last time pulling the lever for Trump this go around. For evidence either a) use common sense or if that’s not an option b) look at literally any recent poll that provides cross-tabs. I even went ahead and did your homework for you (from the February NYT/Siena poll).

You’re really projecting here. I think Biden represents competency and the status quo, which I’m ecstatic about given the alternative is Trump.

I know some people are struggling to make ends meet. But stonks are at all time highs, unemployment is at all time lows, wages have gone up, and people are spending more than ever on recreation. That doesn’t exactly indicate a recession or anything like it to me. Right now is about as close as we’re ever going to get to a situation where every economic metric is going gangbusters.

Your brain has been so warped by politics or something else that you think ‘EVERYONE’ on the left who voted for Biden hates him so much that they will all completely reject him at the ballot box and instead vote for Trump in higher numbers than they did in 2020 when Biden had the highest vote margin since Obama in 2008 and all the way back to 1988 across any presidential election (Bush I beat Dukakis by a wider margin). People couldn’t stand Joe Biden in 2020 and couldn’t wait to die voting for him in line in person when the GOP was actively trying to steal the election.

People were activated for Trump (including a lot of people on ‘the left’) because of Covid and he still got stomped in the election that many people here (probably including you) thought was going to be easily won by Trump. People hate Trump way more than they hate Biden and it’s absurd to think this helps Trump in any way. Trump and Republicans have a built in 40 percent of the poll electorate (this has never changed since 2018) who hate Biden with a passion and love Trump to literal death. That does not equate to a win for Trump or a rise in voting numbers for him.

This is absolutely false. It was very obvious by around 1am (or 4am, can’t remember which exactly) election night in the west that Biden was going to win. It most certainly was not a ‘week long sweat’ in any way, shape, or form.

Every single mechanism Trump has needed to steal the 2024 election like what he tried to do in 2020 was stopped in 2022. He lost everywhere he had to win for a scheme like what he tried to work. His next chance (if he wins) to do the same thing is 2026 when he’d actually have power provided everything flips to GOP in 2024 and stays that way going into the 2026 election.

We already have seen how the courts treated his election claims in the aftermath of all that. Trump has no power, he is not in office, the courts have been extremely hostile to his election overturn attempts, the GOP only has any power due to New York Democrat incompetence losing easily winnable elections that could have kept the House majority and Joe Manchin intransigence, and the doomcasters are acting like Trump has a 90 percent approval rating and is going to get eleventy billion votes.

Trump is all he ever was, and nothing more, with absolutely no levers of power to pull like he had in 2020. That’s not even mentioning that in the wake of the Roe v. Wade overturn that the GOP is getting crushed in special elections all over the place (in deep red states especially where these laws would have a major effect) and how that will impact the 2024 election. This is all absurd, sorry. Go out and stare at the sun and enjoy life instead of all this hopelessness. It’s not worth your time.

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Does anybody have nunnehi’s over/under Trump totals on the last two elections by any chance?

Your highlighted area is great. You’re using a poll to back up your claims that is talking about people who didn’t vote in 2020, during the most momentous election in our lifetimes. You know what’s going to happen with those 49% of would be Trump voters who didn’t vote in 2020? The vast majority of them are not going to vote again. People who don’t vote in big elections stay not voting in elections.

How is it possible you’re using this to back up your claims? Stop using polls to back up claims when polls have been consistently wrong about everything for probably 6 years. It’s also well before true election season is going on saying ‘if it were held today’, when they’re going to be blitzed with ads throughout football season that will change a whole lot of those Trump potential voters’ minds.


Nope, doesn’t exist

The assertion is that not a single Democrat will vote for DJT in 2024. Are you on board with that?

ETA: I’m talking about the 9% who are Biden → Trump voters since reading comprehension doesn’t appear to be your strong suit.

Nope, because millions of Democrats voted for Trump in 2020 because they hated Covid restrictions (my guess is somewhere in the neighborhood of 8 million). Those millions of Democrats now have zero reason to vote for Trump, which will stilt the election back more toward Biden. That’s regardless of how many Republicans come home to Trump despite hating him so much that they refused to put him back in for a second term when it would have really meant something to them (that’s the ‘millions’ you’re describing). I think it’s far more likely a lot of people who voted in 2020 for Trump will not vote in 2024 than it is that Trump gains more or keeps the same number of votes. Trump voters can’t get more activated than they were in 2020, but Biden voters and Trump hating potential voters sure can.

Nice snarky comment when not even saying what you’re meaning in your previous post tho. My strong suit is not math, but first I’m not going to believe this poll, and second 3 percent of Trump voters in that tab will supposedly vote for Biden. My issue with polls like this is that people who answer these polls heavily self-select. I’m an activated voter and I absolutely refuse to answer any poll calls. The type of person who would answer a poll like this and say they’re flipping to Trump (most likely a generic Republican) is not going to make me care about the poll’s results. I’m just blown away by how much weight they’re giving a poll with so many non-voters from 2020 in it. I feel like they maybe should have said, ‘maybe this poll should go in the scrap heap instead of putting it out there’.

It’s election season so that means condescending hilariously bad nun post season. I’ve missed it.

Facts, polls and history are all wrong. Nun’s feelings on the situation however are never wrong.



As of this moment I think Biden is a slight favorite but anyone spewing “this will definitely happen” takes is telling on themselves.

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No one’s ever wrong here. If Biden wins again, those dunking on nun will just say “wow, the dems barely beat the most unelectable cretin alive”, what an accomplishment.


Nunnehi makes a good point about potential poll bias based on non-responders. Someone should contact Siena and let them know about that.


Can’t read posts or polls apparently. Good job, good effort bud. You’re right though, it is my fault for responding to someone who’s just a bad faith troll. I’ll stop doing it after this post, gl fren.

That’s my feeling also. Seems likely barring some major change everything comes down to a handful of coinflip states again and who knows how that shakes out. Yes a lot of voters minds are made up but the turnout levels for both candidates is extremely unpredictable imo.

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Can you cite where that poll is from? Either I’m not reading it right, or it has to be wrong. It’s saying that less than 1/2 of 1% who voted for Trump in 2020 will vote Biden in 2024 and 9% of 2020 Biden voters are for Trump in 2024?!?! That can’t possibly be correct

I can find live interviews of Republican 2020 and 2016 Trump voters who say they’ll vote Biden in 2024. Can you find more than ONE Democrat being interviewed that voted Biden in 2020 who says they’re voting Trump 2024?

If you think I’m a troll you got a real problem that can’t be fixed by additional snarkiness. Great job, great effort.

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I’ll look at it more closely. I’ll admit I can be in a bubble at times, but it’s unfathomable to me that Democrats (even those unhappy with Biden) would go so far as to vote Trump. It goes against every single person I know, have read about, or have seen interviewed

Your posts are hilarious and bad about elections, so maybe just sit this one out. There’s no condescension in my posts, but you’ll never change thinking there is and I’m not gonna try to change your mind. That’s a you thing not a me thing.

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