Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Yeah, this.

I was thinking about posting something similar, but was too lazy to go make a map and stuff.

I also happen to think that replacing Biden now is very -EV. If the decision was made in 2022 it probably would have been +EV, but even that is not certain.

now tell me why is that bad for biden.

no man, you dont understand. Biden, the person who ran his last election on “I am not Donald Trump” and is also running this election on “I am not Donald Trump”, is the only person who can beat Trump. its well known that the only Democrat who is not Donald Trump is Joe Biden.


I forgot, hyperbole is a lost literary device. My apologies for attempting it, I won’t do it again.


Your process argument is reasonable, if not as absolute as you stated. However, I assume you agree Dems have failed miserably in the long arc being in a place where Biden has to be the candidate?

Biden is obviously a good person, intelligent statesman and he has done a good job. That doesn’t mean any number of the other 350 million Americans are not also good people and intelligent statespeople but also younger, better public speakers, more charismatic and less of a beltline lifer.

There is just no excuse in a nation as large as America to be boxed into using an 82 year old person as the president. No matter who they are. There is a reason every job with significant risk or sensitivity have required retirement ages.

Objectively, it would be far more important for the constitution to have a maximum age than a minimum one. It’s just the founders lived in a time when 82 year olds were very uncommon. They would have never dreamed of one being president.


Just meant to convey good but not top tier

America was never boxed in. There were plenty of off-ramps.

There’s some chance Biden is running because he feels obligated to because the alternatives look bad. I’ll take Biden over Gavin Newsom. Kamala Harris hasn’t grown into looking like a natural successor and I think Bernie might have been right that a woman can’t win in the current climate. Maybe he should have picked Mayor Pete as his running mate?

Anyone who thinks Biden is too old should have been all-in on Dean Phillips as a protest vote.


yes, in 2020.

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Why should % of gdp be what you’re looking at rather than just inflation adjusted dollars?



I was texting my kid about the presidential choices on the ballot and he said

So would we say I’m a great parent, or the greatest parent?


Because it reflects the country’s ability to pay for the spending. The current federal budget deficit or a lack of spending on whatever your priorities are is a political problem. Spending a lot relative to GDP on something that’s dumb means the tradeoffs get a lot more painful.

There were off-ramps, but none of them made Democrats more likely to win the White House in 2024.

I don’t think Biden is too old.

If the question is who is better on the campaign trail/debate stage/more likely to beat Trump i will take Newsom >> Biden. As far as who would be a better governor that is a different question.

how much of Kamala being the most lowkey VP in our lifetimes do you think is due to Biden? If Biden actually had any intention of making Kamala his successor it would have been very easy for him to give her a bigger role in his administration. When Biden hinted (without formally promising) at being a one-term president in 2020 I don’t think he every actually had any intention of stepping down or grooming a successor, I think he was doing it entirely to dispel the concerns that everyone had about his age until a later point in time and essentially running out the clock until it was too late to replace him.

lollllllllll no

I think Biden would be a better president than Newsom. I think Biden would be an above-average president in his second term and I don’t think anyone who can do that is too old for the job.


what? It isn’t due to Biden, my friend. VP is always a low-key, thankless jobs. But like any other woman in any other job on the planet, she has to do twice the work and gets half the credit.


I think Bernie would also be a well above-average president, that doesnt mean it would be a good idea for him to run at 82 years old

I dont think i ever said that Kamala was not a hard worker or was a bad VP so I dont know what that article is supposed to prove, I said that if Biden had any intention of making her his successor he would have given her a more public facing role instead of doing behind-the-scenes work which he clearly hasn’t done.

This is an insane take. Why?

The amount spent on war should be based on the need for war money, not on how much money you have.