Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

I assume there are white midwestern boomers who vote democratic but are also afraid of the brown hordes.

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Remember the grand bargain over the deficit that they torpedoed?

The donor class likes a lot of immigration to be illegal.

Wage inequities grow wider for immigrants depending on their immigration status. Across the state, in 2019, the median hourly wage for naturalized immigrants was $24, compared to $19 for lawful residents, and $13 for undocumented immigrants.

Your median American voter is shockingly anti-immigrant, it’s going to be an L for Democrats if immigration becomes the main issue of 2024.

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I honestly don’t understand how people can be interested in political strategy but also be so incurious about it. Why do you think the GOP is torpedoing this bill that gives them a policy win?? Because passing it would be good for Democrats!

Even if no one who ranks border control as a critical issue will ever vote for Biden, it’s a good move because more people will care about border security as an issue if there’s a huge number of illegal arrivals and nothing being done about it. Voters won’t say that they prefer Biden to Trump on the economy (because they’re idiots), but they will be more likely to say that the economy is a critical issue if inflation is high.


Yeah, I am not sure that this is true when Abbott is shipping migrants across the country. If he starts sending them to Philly/Atlanta that could be very bad for Biden. Probably lots of people who don’t care about border control unless migrants are sleeping at their YMCA.

I vaguely remember Trump doing something similar last election when it came to, I want to say unions or welfare or something. He put out a bill that was moderately against Republican interests and I want to say Democrats even pulled the 'we should let the people decide in the election" gambit.

I think he wanted to give away more money before the election but Mitch said No.

Idea could be to neutralize what could have been one of their strongest issues.

New Special Counsel report about to drop. It’s gonna be fun watching the House hold hearings on this while conveniently being able to duck questions about Trump by citing the ongoing litigation.


Biden you fucking moron

4 years of Trump


Nah man it’s just a stutter

Meanwhile he’s out here talking to ghosts



Save us Gavin

Its too late. Much like Joe in 2016, hes sitting out when he shouldnt thanks to this goddamn “its their turn” system.

Fuck you. Hillary didnt have it in 2016 and Joe doesnt have it in 2024. How about we have a compretitive primary every 4 years, incumbent or not and let the chips fall where they may

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Because the voters don’t want that. The reason credible challengers didn’t emerge is D primary voters don’t want to think about alternatives when Biden is popular with that group.

Biden isn’t popular with anyone actually paying attention outside of the EDem stooge/donor class demo. Acting like the voters just really want Biden when he was running 5th or 6th when the field was large in 2020 is an insanely bad and out of touch take. Whoever the last man standing vs. Bernie would have won and the DNC decided it was going to be Biden’s corpse.