Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Is letting a random Congressman default the nomination better than letting the convention pick the nominee if Biden drops dead this spring? Compare and contrast to letting a randomly picked person be President.

It would 90%+ be Kamala. She’d be the actual president, and unless she stepped down, she’d be the presumptive nominee.

I don’t know the actual rules, but I assume the party would overrule any that exist. Probably just retcon Biden votes for her.

he’s not going to win the nomination regardless, I don’t know why he’s wasting all of everyone’s time by running but I can say the same thing with at least half the republicans so.

Hes just trying to make a name for himself.

biden’s polls keep falling, probably because of his more on israel’s side stance though he has shown restraint about it but that’s a no win stance since there’s some on both sides pretty strongly in the party. If the election were today trump would win. They got a year to turn this shit around.

Do they still do polls on Trump? Any idea what his numbers are like?

they’ve gone slightly up cause people forgot but it doesn’t matter much, right now I’d guess the difference is “it’s the economy stupid” and trump wins that because we didn’t have the inflation back then.


I mean, you don’t care about space stuff so you don’t know, that’s fine. But between them, any two people in the news business should have a clue.


boy, wait till they hear trumps views on that subject


Two different redditors saying Biden has accomplished so much and we need to talk about that more, yet somehow neither one was able to post any accomplishments, just chide people to do their own research. :clown_face:

It’s all bots.


Unbiased source


Communist leader = dictator, by definition. Just the facts, jack :coolbiden:

Totally different than ours



I mean, it’s not a bad answer given the reality and the diplomatic context.