Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Thank God Biden sunk $5 billion into building cricket up in the US


First time that sentence has ever been uttered.


Banal observation at this point, but Hunter Biden is more alpha than any right winger has ever been. Don Jr would probably ask for his autograph.


Kimberly probably makes Don Jr. role play as Hunter Biden.


Can you really be a functional person if you smoke crack every 20 minutes?

You can if you’re cool enough.


I have some experience in this area and living like that for days on end is a definition of hell.


You understand this proves hokie’s point, not yours, right? Making a morally reprehensible decision to still be losing in the polls. GJGE.

If bidens policy is polling 70-30 and Trump is 50-50, Trump doesn’t have the market cornered.

No one actually is voting based on this policy. That’s why the overall polling is the same as it’s been. Meanwhile the decision has actual negative consequences for real life breathing human beings at the border.


People are voting based on how the media covers immigration. This policy has electoral value if it appeals to the media and gets them to change their coverage and focus elsewhere.

Media gonna media, though. This won’t change their reporting which boils down to Trump = less immigration, Biden = more. Doubt it will shift focus either because it’s still a topic that is red meat for MAGA and of concern to libs (for a variety of reasons).

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And it’s goalpost shift time, from something easily measured and refuted, to something ineffable that you never have to admit you’re wrong about. Ok then

I’m basing it on the poll you posted which has Trump still leading Biden? Who cares how much people like Trump or Biden’s border policy if it doesn’t actual flip any voters over to Biden.

It’s pretty funny how you tried to post that as a dunk on hokie and end up just looking like a dumb dumb as usual.

Well you can do that all you want I suppose, it’d still be a massive goalpost shift.

Perfect. It’s only 250 years of democracy on the line, so why wouldn’t Dems take a chance on an 81 year old candidate who might not even make it til election?

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