Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Well yea, you’re completely right on this

That’s a big problem, and goes hand in hand with the biggest:

Since reconstruction a festering pile of shit has been allowed to spread and should be dealt with aggressively, but no coalition has ever had the will to do it

Obviously, so maybe we could not be emotionally children upset about things from over a decade ago? The amount and length of grudges yall hold is so bad, and ironically a good example of a smaller problem with dems



It’s none of these things. Well, that’s not true. All of the things you have all said actually do happen on the inside of “the party” but none of them are the actual reason we struggle.

The Democratic Party (at all levels) has no focus. We’ve completely lost track of our mission. If you notice, the Republican Party is laser focused on electing Republicans. Well, they had been up until 2016-ish. The chaos you see now is because they are losing track of that focus.

The Democratic party hasn’t been focused on electing Democrats for YEARS. Instead, we focus on our platform and our issues which inevitably leads to infighting and stupid bullshit squabbles over which group in our big tent we should support on a certain day. From the smallest local issues to the national platform, all we do is spend time fighting each other because one group does something another group doesn’t like.

I am saying these things as a party “insider” who has been a member of the central committees of the largest state party and the 8th largest county party in the country for 4 years now, and who has run campaigns at every level.

I have become radicalized to the idea that the PARTY should be focused on electoral politics, and ACTIVIST groups should be the ones pushing issues. What that means in practical terms is that in order to win elections, we MUST be willing to allow our candidates to tailor their message and actions to the race they are running. If you are a Dem running in San Francisco, be as progressive as you want, the PARTY shouldn’t punish you. If you are a Dem running in Ramona, CA, the PARTY shouldn’t punish you for being a proud gun owner or using a local small business instead of a union shop to print your campaign shit.

As it stands now, both of the theoretical candidates I described above would get shit on by factions of our party, which would then lead to the withholding of volunteers/funds to help them win their elections.

Now, if a NIMBY group or Moms Demand chapter or an IUPAT local wants to withhold their endorsement(s) of these people, fine.

This is so hard to explain to folks who haven’t experienced it in real time, but I hope you can see what I’m saying.

I forgot to add that I’ll just tap the sign from now on:


I think the 2 party stranglehold on the political will of the country needs to be dismantled rather than attempting to fix a system that is beyond broken.

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Sure but in reality breaking it would work how?

It already broken, imo fixing it will require adapting the coalition type governments seen throughout the world that seem to operate much more efficiently and equitably than the good ol US of A

the leftist mindset is not well adapted to conform to that kind of structure. and that’s a shame because you really want them voting on your side because they have a ton of great ideas and are genuinely good, empathetic people.

so the goal of a reasonable-pragmatic-genuinely-good-and-empathetic person should be to encourage good people to compromise on their morals, which makes those reasonable pragmatic people look kinda evil, which is a shame, you know, that’s not ideal.

anyway, good luck :heart:


Wow you are preaching to the wrong crowd. Everyone here remembers the Hopey Changey that got us romneycare and didn’t even save abortion. Just coalition harder won’t cut it for us just vote harder vets.

Another huge problem for Democrats is they aren’t funny. Trump is funny! It’s ok to admit this! Bill Clinton and Obama were funny. Gore, Kerry, Hillary - not so much.

People vote on feels man.

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Vote harder…in local races.

I’m so sick of progressives yelling every 4 years about the national party when the real change happens at the ground level. Get your city councils full of progressives. Get your school boards full of progressives. Thing is, to do that you actually have to win elections. For which you need the party because like it or not, the party has a lot of resources. So take them over. Join your county party’s central committee, however you can. Join a progressive Democratic Club.

so yeah, vote harder. maybe actually RUN harder. Poasting is not actually getting involved.


She wouldn’t have a chance and probably wouldn’t want it, but I’d love to see a Katie Porter presidency. I wouldn’t even mind Hakeem Jeffries, Ted Lieu, or Jamie Raskin. There are plenty more. They do exist

The Democratic Party has been focused on re-electing incumbents.

Democrats have to be more than just a coalition of non-Republicans. Otherwise, it’s just an organization seeking power for the sake of power. Right now, they’ve chosen to make stuff like abortion be the unifying issue (but protecting incumbents is still a higher priority for the establishment). If I were going to refocus the Democratic Party, I would want the unifying principle to be something economic in nature with the party more tolerant of diverse social stances.

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This would require a change to the constitution. Doesn’t seem particularly realistic

Impossible without replacing the Constitution.

I don’t even think this is in the Top 5 of structural problems with US elections.

This idea that we can just vote progressives into power if we try a little harder has no basis in reality. For every Cisneros that looks promising, you get eDems shoving a Cuellar down our throats because reasons. Then you get seemingly serious political commentators throwing out Cuellar’s name for shit like Speaker of the House, just further alienating the people who rightly look at these pieces of shit and call them out for what they are.


Cuellar won because progressives are weaker than some people want to believe. The left can either choose to compromise on things they hold dearly or engage in asymmetrical political warfare against the Democratic establishment.

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They’re already compromising, by voting for old fucks like Joe Biden. Maybe if the democratic establishment didn’t suck so hard they could convince more progressives to compromise.


Probably because politicians who can pass a leftist purity test aren’t going to be popular nationally