Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Yeah according to the article, or maybe another one I read, officially naming Biden the nominee before the convention is one possible solution.

I don’t think it’s clear at all. Overhauling the Supreme Court would be a huge win for many Democratic policy goals. If it was achievable, Biden might well go for it.

Biden has no chance of winning in Alabama. I think if Alabama kept him off the ballot it might energize democrats in swing states who see “they are trying to steal the election” (the same way I think keeping Trump off the ballot in, say, California would energize the MAGAs in Pennsylvania). I do not have any knowledge of what kind of winnable down-ballot races in Alabama there are, because this would screw that stuff bigtime. Would it make sense to “let” a deep red state exclude Biden from their ballot?

Would it?

Having no presidential race might improve downballot races.

I maintain that the only reason Doug Jones beat Roy Moore is because it was a special election.

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Don’t underestimate how much of a bubble most of these people live in, too. Their social circles think they are part of the silent majority and that abortion is actually unpopular.

Trump would still be on the ballot, along with RFK and the green party and some Vermin Supreme types. Yeah a lot of Trumpers would stay home, but the effect would be worse on dems. I think.

I am sure the dems will just end up “nominating” him early. But it would be fun to call Alabama’s bluff. I bet they’d back down.

“They’re keeping me off the ballot because they want to keep you off the ballot. I’m just in the way”


He has openly said he is against it on many occasions.

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We have a new congressional district giving us a chance at 2 dem seats this election, no idea how it would affect but my feeling is need Biden on ticket since trumpers are gonna go vote for sure

Nope, still in effect.

I think he’s persuadable, but it will another 1-2 egregiously bad Supreme Court decisions to get him there.

It’s fun to pretend.

It really does show the lawlessness of the Fifth circuit. The law can’t be appealed because no one has standing until someone gets sued, and no one’s going to sue just yet, but abortion doctors get to appeal the use of Mifepristone because, by chance, one day, one of them might treat someone who used it.

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If he’s going to reverse direction on anything, it’s usually going to be by following an incrementalist path.

Has Biden gotten rid of the guy Trump put in charge of the USPS?

It’s still Louis DeJoy. Trump’s guy. He can’t be gotten rid of. The norms are too powerful.


Mitch McConnell said he was opposed to confirming a SC justice right before an election, then did exactly that when Trump was president. Sometimes politicians say things that aren’t true to improve their popularity.

I don’t love Biden either but I wouldn’t put him on McConnel’s level. You must really hate him.

It takes six votes from the Board of Governors to fire DeJoy and only five members can be Democrats.

Two seats recently opened up and Biden made his sixth nomination, former Labor Secretary Marty Walsh, but I don’t think he’s been confined yet. Since I believe the board that put in DeJoy was all appointed by Trump, firing DeJoy is something that might not have happened until Biden got his sixth nominee through. It still might not happen even then, but it seemed unlikely before that point.
