Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

Not sure. He has seemed surprisingly willing to go along with some progressive policies if he thinks there is support for it (like loan forgiveness). I think he’d do it if it polled well.


SCOTUS hasn’t declared fetal personhood. They can just vote on a bill. You’re just wrong about how scotus has to be changed for something to happen.

Man they may get away with it but this is really fucking stupid of the GOP to poke the abortion bear ahead of this election. Idiocy that feels very eDem.

You don’t think the SCOTUS will strike down any abortion bill that can be passed through congress because reasons?

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I don’t think they’d outright strike it down. I think it’s more likely that a state would come up with some 9000 IQ state law that effectively circumvents a federal codification of Roe and the SCOTUS just allows it. Maybe the $10k Texas abortion bounty law comes back.

It’s not zero but it’s not guaranteed either. And you’ll never have enough political support to pack the court without making the court do things like over turn a federal abortion rights law

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I mean sweet summer child but surely shit like “invoke 1864 law from before AZ was a state to ban abortion even after rape and to save the mothers life” gets the normies off their fat stupid asses.


I do agree with the idea that this should be part of their overall strategy, it is important for them to mobilize the piece of their voting base that supports abortion rights. That’s objectively winning tactic for them. But their overall strategy needs to be centered on promising to actually do things for people, not just Orange Man Bad.

It kinds of makes sense though if you look at it from their (twisted) perspective. The anti-abortion crowd a) loves bullying and b) has been fighting to ban abortions for decades. They are riding high on the euphoria of their Roe v. Wade victory. The story of Icarus is 2000 years old, this is standard human behavior.

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Looks like Biden might not get be on the ballot in Alabama. They obviously weren’t counting on those electoral votes, but I hope there aren’t similar laws lurking out there in any swing states.

Same thing was possible Ohio, is this just lol democrats or what?

Wait, is that gone?

Sorry man, that’s a SSC take if I ever saw one.


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My very, very weak understanding is that it’s a big bureaucratic kerfuffle that will be easy to work out. Honestly, it might be best for Dems to cut bait completely in Ohio anyway, so idk.

Not having a presidential race might lower turnout and affect the Ohio Senate race.

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I haven’t done a deep dive, but seems like LOL dems… Apparently, both parties would have missed the deadline in 2020, but the state legislature changed the date (just for that election). It would be pretty classic lol Dems for them to just assume that Ohio would bail them out again this year and then have the legislature refuse to change it this time.

Do some kind of Zoom vote a month before the convention.