Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

A wedge issue is an issue that can divide a party or coalition. Abortion is not a wedge issue because Democrats are consistent on the issue.

Israel/Palestine is a wedge issue because there are people with strong opinions on both sides who see it as a key issue. There’s no compromise or neutral position. It’s hard to see how people can respectfully disagree and still see the other side as good.

I guess I’ve been using it wrong all along.

Israel Palestine is a silly wedge issue as anyone with even a little good faith can only see it as a murky complex issue with no black and white good guys and bad guys. Anyone who is 100% on one side is an idiot.

If narrowed down to the simple question of whether what is going on in Gaza is genocide or not, is it idiotic to be 100% that it is genocide or 100% that it is not genocide? Do you feel that the correct position is neither yes nor no but somewhere in between due murkiness and complexity of the issue?

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Given both the UN and the International Court of Justice has determined at least a plausible case for genocide those arguing it’s not are at least plausible idiots.

At this point I’ve concluded your account is just some elaborate gimmick. There isn’t enough lol on earth to equate Israel Palestine and the US political system.

The average American reads at a 6th grade level. Plenty of idiots to go around

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Did Trump accomplish anything at all in his first term besides appointing Supreme Court justices?

Yeah he did the tax cuts


depends where the votes are located. if he loses all the middle eastern people in Michigan staying the course it’s significantly more important than if he loses a large chunk of pro-israel New Yorkers or Californians.

I do not twitter so I had to get my MAGA tears from reddit and the main themes they’re going with are:

  1. You’re joking at a time like this, ever heard of GAZA?


  1. Joe doesn’t even know his own name, he couldn’t have posted this.
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Israel/Gaza is not going to be a major issue for your average voter, and the conflict could potentially be wrapping up by October.

This gal didn’t just fall out of the coconut tree, that’s for sure!


5ffmgj (1)


As a result, more than 3.7 million Americans have received loan cancellation during Biden’s time in office, totaling $136.6 billion in aid

Biden only forgiving the 1%

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Yeah and I’m ready to play QB for the Chiefs if Mahomes gets injured.

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