Biden thread III: Enjoy your retirement

Just a spellbinding thrill ride of a headline. 10/10, would read again.

Joe Biden is accused of another ‘anti-British’ snub after ‘Beast’ limo flies the Irish flag despite no sign of the Union Jack on brief visit to Belfast - and president takes a selfie with Gerry Adams

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Aren’t you the president?

step 1: nominate 10 more justices to the supreme court and use the new majority to redefine the 2nd amendment

step 2: senate confirms them in <2 weeks like they’re obviously able to do, they did it in like a week and a half when they really wanted to.

step 3: senate drafts a bill to take away the president’s right to expand the court any more

step 4: biden threatens the gop house saying that for every month they refuse to pass the “don’t expand the supreme court law”, he’ll nominate 10 more justices to the supreme court



At least lie to me and argue that people care

Libertarians having a normal one.

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I’m certainly not going to defend Biden’s record on immigration issues.

But I’m also not going to take whatever Larry Fucking Elder says at face value.

How do they still not get this

Forever and always:

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It’s wild to think that Biden’s term is 60% over already. Only a couple more months before we get to see GOP debates over penis size and Biden stumbling and bumbling all over himself debating a prominent anti-vaxxer

Trump v. Biden 2.0 is going to be so depressing.


I thought Kennedy was the darling of some of the major psychos on the right ( lookin at you, Alex Jones.)

Why is he running as a dem?

I wouldn’t be surprised if Biden declines to debate Kennedy

Yeah, I’d be floored if there was an actual Democratic debate this cycle (assuming Biden is running).

I guess i would be surprised if they debated as well. That being said a lot of Democratic primaries I believe are open primaries. You don’t have to even be registered as a Dem to vote in them. I could see Kennedy getting something higher than 1% in some Dem primaries between the Qanon and anti-vax whackos.

ETA- I looked it up and 24 states have open Democratic primaries.

He has recently been embraced by the right for his anti-vaccine views, but he also holds a lot of views that would be out of step with the Republican party (specifically on environmental issues). Also, he has the Kennedy name and a history of working for/campaigning for Dems from Ted Kennedy through Hillary, so just from a strategic perspective he’d be dead in the water in an R primary.

In these states do you have to choose between voting in the D and R primaries?

I’m not sure. I assume no because often times they aren’t even on the same day or in the same format. Oklahoma is such a state but the GOP primary is closed so voting in it isn’t an option for me so I haven’t ever considered it.

ETA: Oklahoma must have switched to closed primaries at some point recently for both parties which means I may need to rethink my I registration. This site has state by state rules if you are interested

Speaking only for Vermont, yes.

I go there and the poll worker asks whether I want a D or R primary ballot. (Or if by mail, they mail both and you’re supposed to put only one in the official envelope)


In AZ at least, it’s open in the sense that independents can vote whichever primary ballot they choose, but I think if you’re registered with a party affiliation, that’s the one you get.