Biden thread III: Enjoy your retirement


Scheduling conflict :leolol:

“Scheduling conflict” as in “Biden is still scheduled to be President at that time.”


Didn’t they visit last year? Why would Georgia hate Biden? Some huge booster bribed the program 10 million to not go? It’s not like it is Ole Miss.

They going to visit Stacey Abrahams that day,

Biden in town tonight fucking up traffic for some high priced fundraisers

They did not visit last year.

Best guess would be Smart just wants to reduce media exposure and avoid political discussion.

Biden won’t spring for fast food like TFG.


Probably nil checkbooks telling them they shouldn’t go.

A little Friday copium

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I like hopium too, but we all know that’s the Dobbs blowback.

Has that ever been proven?

Doubt it. “Proving” something like that is pretty tough. It’s definitely the conventional wisdom, for whatever that’s worth.

Biden has probably handled the Ukraine situation as perfectly as can be which is actually the #1 issue in the world still.

Conventional wisdom also said a red wave would likely occur and best case scenario was still losing pretty badly.

Shouldn’t put much stock in it imho.

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Ari Smith, 22, a recent graduate living in Tempe, Ariz., said the presidential election was “like choosing which poison is safer to drink.”

The Dems are stuck in a constant loop of:

Young people don’t vote → support policies that are transparently awful to naturally cynical young people → Young people don’t vote

I don’t see how they can possibly escape that loop. One structural issue that Dems have is that they present themselves as the party of smart, thoughtful, policy oriented people. By smart, thouughtful, policy oriented people are naturally skeptical and have well honed BS detectors. This is especially true of millenials. They hate BS.

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The generations after the boomers rarely organise or run for office. That seems to be even more true for the left leaning ones. They need to stop blaming boomers for everything and take control. The fact that they can’t get rid of someone like Feinstein says more about their organisational skills than it says about Feinstein.

I’m not sure this is correct at least in regards to running for office. Younger progressive candidates are routinely blocked by the Dem party machinery at the national level. The party is run and controlled by boomer(or older) ghouls who make it very very difficult to primary any of them. Then they never leave office.

Even when clinically dead already (see Feinstein, Diane).