Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

Oh, I know. His reasoning was shit. Hilariously bad.

But his luckbox is strong.

Alex is a fucking donk.

If the spirit moves me I’m gonna dig up the thread of Yvesaint aka Leyawn^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author aka Don’t Show These Pics Of Me Doing Blow To My Mom pwning his soul at HU NLHE.

So is Trump’s. Two birds, one election.

I am tired and going to bed. Please @ another mod to do it, or I’ll take a look tomorrow late morning PST.

Who has two supercars and still doesn’t understand how politifact works?

This guy (spoilers if you don’t want to dry heave)


Being scared of Wice is like getting paralyzed by the whale bc theyre aggro.

I absolutely love that he is giving the money he made off of us back.


you’re prob right but my brain is not functioning correctly tonight

Biden @ 1.60
wtf is happening

AZ on PI is atm flirting with… sanity? I’m sure it will be short-lived.

it’s past trumpers bed time only guys like me would be reading it now

VA down to 89?

I think I can get it in even better tomorrow.

Forget money, I’d bet all three of my testicles on VA for a return of one chicken sandwich from Popeye’s.


Dunno what I’m gonna do with those but booked


Fry them, they’re a delicacy

also booked


So many hearts, all the hearts. God damn it so annoying he could be so wrong and still win so much money

Search ‘Alex Wice’ and ‘pivot’ on 22, there are a few dozen more.

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one time bitches