Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

lol what?

People as smart as Wice are pounding Trump. Meanwhile we have info on over 90 million people who have already voted with the experts saying gg, it’s over.

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How’d Awice make his money? And is he an actual Trumper? Any info on how he bet in the midterms?

Hopefully EM2 cleans him out. I wonder if the size of the bet is giving him pause? Honestly someone willing to bet over a million on Trump despite ALL the insane evidence is crazy, but maybe he thinks it’ll come down to PA and the courts will save?

He was decent at poker. Then he made posts like that and bet Trump. Then he got big on bitcoin, thinking that the USD would collapse and stuff. He’s a moron who runs insanely hot.

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Empiremaker2 should be snap taking this bet if the money isn’t huge to him, wonder what the hold up is.


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Spooked by the market moves perhaps.

Did they even agree odds?

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Bovada now down to Biden -165, pure insanity.

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Stock market booming has me unshook, gotta be pricing in uncontested Dem sweep leading to stimmy

Alright, I threw some money against some locks. Lots of markets are closed off now. FYI “Balance of power after election” you can get No on R House / R Senate for 84c (538 House projection is 97% D)

“B-b-but 2016!” is pretty much the only thing these people are going off of. Trying to chase that dragon.

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I haven’t seen one person saying it’s over after analyzing the early vote data.

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EM2 is claiming Alex backed down.


If you actually owned both of these - wouldn’t you take a pic at your house and not some swanky hotel in Beverly Hills or wherever this is from?

Hmm that’s a good point, even weirder pic than I thought then.

Whenever you see some dude posing in front of a supercar in a parking lot it’s almost a lock that he does not own that car.

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