***Best Simpsons Episodes of All Time Draft***

Ugh, was hoping for Cape Feare for my first pick

Just saw this started; will pick in a minute and be following along from now on

I’ll take Homer’s Enemy

It’s been a top episode since it aired, but it’s taken on a new aptness these past 4 crazy years. I feel like we are all Frank Grimes watching Trump get away with incompetence, laziness and stupidity.


Some quotes that you can see fit well these days:

Frank Grimes : If lived in any other country in the world, you’d have starved to death long ago.

Bart : He’s got you there, Dad.

Grimes : You’re a fraud, a total fraud. (To Marge and the kids) Was nice meeting you.


Grimes : (points at Homer) That’s the man who’s in charge of our safety? It boggles the mind!

Carl : It’s best not to think about it.


Grimes : Can you believe that guy? He’s in his office making a pathetic attempt to look professional.

Carl : Hey, what do you got against Homer, anyway?

Grimes : Are you kidding? Does this whole plant have some disease where you can’t see that he’s an idiot? Look here. [points out a chart tacked to the bulletin board] Accidents have doubled every year since he became safety inspector, and, and meltdowns have tripled. Has he been fired? No. Has he been disciplined? No, no.

Lenny : Eh, everybody makes mistakes. That’s why they put erasers on pencils.

Carl : Yeah, Homer’s okay. Give him a break.

Grimes : No! Homer is not okay. And I want everyone in this plant to realize it. I would die a happy man if I could prove to you that Homer Simpson has the intelligence of a 6-year-old.

Lenny : [to Carl] So, how are you doing?


Grimes : Oh, I, I can’t stand it any longer. This whole plant is insane. Insane, I tell you! Daahh! Aaah! [runs out of the auditorium, and into the equipment room] I can be lazy, too! [takes his necktie off, and moons one of the technicians] Look at me! Hi, I’m a worthless employee, just like Homer Simpson! Give me a promotion! [waddles into the break room like a penguin, cross-eyed, and grabs two donuts from the box] Ooh, I eat like a slob, but nobody minds! [eats in an exaggeratedly slobbish fashion] [heads into a restroom; from the restroom] I’m peeing on the seat. Give me a raise! [emerges from the bathroom and waves his hands in Homer’s face] Now I’m returning to work without washing my hands. But it doesn’t matter, because I’m Homer Simpson! [runs to Homer’s work station and spins around in the chair] I don’t need to do my work, 'cause someone else will do it for me. D’oh! D’oh! D’oh! [slaps forehead on each “D’oh!”]

Homer : Hey, you okay, Grimey?

Grimes : I’m better than okay. I’m Homer Simpson.

Homer : [chuckles] You wish.

Grimes : [notices Mr. Burns has walked in] Oh, hi, Mr. Burns. I’m the worst worker in the world. Time to go home to my mansion and eat my lobster. [walks up to some dangerous-looking wires] What’s this? [reads sign] “Extremely High Voltage.” Well, I don’t need safety gloves, because I’m Homer Simp-- [he grabs the cables and is zapped to death] [everyone watching cringes]


And then from Trum…Homer’s perspective:

Oh, I can’t believe it, I got an enemy. Me, the most beloved man in Springfield.

Ah, it’s a weird world, Homer. As hard as it is to believe, some people don’t care for me, neither.

No, I won’t accept that.

Nah, it’s true. I got their names written down right here on what I call my, uh, “enemies list.”

Moe reaches under the bar and brings out a piece of paper. Barney reads it.

Jane Fonda, Daniel Shore, Jack Anderson… hey! This is Richard Nixon’s enemies list. You just crossed out his name and put yours.

Okay, gimme that, gimme it back. (writes on the paper) Barney Gumble.


@j8i3h289dn3x7 is up

Solid choice

Great episode, definitely a first rounder.

“This was a competition for children!”
“Yeah, and Homer beat their brains out.”

Side note, someone has had the Simpsons on in their room at the hospital for the last several hours, just close enough that I can hear Homer sing-songing away but haven’t been able to make out the episodes.

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I live in a single room above a bowling alley and below another bowling alley


Frank Grimes: Can you believe that guy? He fell asleep inside a radiation suit.

Lenny: He had three beers at lunch. That would make anyone sleepy.


I’m peeing on the seat, give me a raise! Is so goddamn good

Homer looks jealous when he says this

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someone let me know if i get to pick tonight

There’s a lone from “Last Exit” that cracks me up but iirc I couldn’t find any clips or even gifs of it on the Internet. It’s when Lisa is getting her school picture with her braces and she’s reluctant to smile and the photographer is trying to get her to and when she finally opens her mouth he goes “There is no god.”

Also I was just thinking about this draft in the shower and my No.2 and possibly even no. 1 is still on the board, might be what bigt is referring to (unless it’s the Grimes episode which is also brilliant).

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My #2 is still on the board so I’m just hoping to get it out of the way and keep going

Homer’s Enemy is one of the episodes that could have gone #1 overall.

And the classic at 1:15


Bart’s nightmare was unbelievably difficult. I put in a ton of hours and never beat it. Great picks so far!

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yeah that game was fucking brutal

i was hoping this would go faster than one episode a day. jman has been posting elsewhere.

First round is usually slow bc not everyone realizes it’s started; I’d expect it to go much faster after this round