***Best Simpsons Episodes of All Time Draft***

Homers Barbershop Quartet**

Season 5 starts off with a bang. I still have “Baby on Board” on a CD somewhere and use to listen to it in my car.

The show starts off at a flee market or “SWAP MEET” with Mayor Quimby talking trash about the public. Kind of reminds me of Ivanka Trump not letting her secret service agents use one of her 7 bathrooms.

“Human roaches, feeding off of each others garbage. The only thing you can’t buy here is dignity”

Then you get to see what some of springfield’s regulars are selling.

Moe - Oyster shells painted to resemble Lucille Ball. - Now I don’t know who that is but I bet my dad got a chuckle out of that when he was watching with us.

Ned Flanders - Giving away trading cards of biblical characters.

Lisa finding a Malibu Stacie from 1958 that had huge knockers.

Principle Skinner finding his helmet that he wore while he was a POW.

Homer going through the 5 cent items and finding priceless gems that he throws to the side.

My favorite though is Marge trying to sell a wishbone necklace saying your son or daughter will think it’s cool and the random guy says “I doubt my son or daughter is that stupid” and walks away.

This leads to Bart finding Homers album.

Remember this was when rock and roll had become stagnant and the Achy Breaky Heart was 7 years away. Something had to fill the void.

They started performing at Moes in front of nobody and eventually gained popularity. Snake Jailbird makes an appearance at the prison where they performed throwing a rock at Police Chief Wiggum.

Wait was he already police chief?

Finally a British sounding agent finds them and offers them a contract if they get rid of Wiggum.

Homer ends up dropping him off in the woods.

The audition for Wiggums replacement was not going well. I also noticed for the first time that old man that is always hanging out with Grandpa Simpson beard looks fake and he it covers up his whole face other than his mouth.

Luckily they heard Barney singing in the Mens bathroom at Moes because he lost his toothpick.

The crowd quickly falls in love with Barney despite them missing Wiggum.

The name they agree on ends up being the B-Sharps because it was witty at first and less funny each time they heard it.

They come back to reality where homers tells them they sold their spare tire. Of course they have a blow out and Marge is forced to walk 12 miles for gas. So back to the story.

Homer finally writes Baby on board. They record it in the studio and it’s an instant hit.

The agent wants homer to keep his marriage a secret because “People will want to have sex with you and we want them to think they can”

Homers replys with if I explain it to Marge that way she will understand. Marge obviously does not understand.

The captain makes a cameo with a giant squid. But the music makes them stop fighting.

They even get to play in front of President Reagan.

The B sharps even go on to win an Grammy and Homer meets George Harrison and finds a pile of brownies. The greatest night of his life.

However, Homer realizes he misses his family and gives his Grammy to the room service waiter.

The band starts going in a downward spiral. “Us” magazine comes out with their whats hot and whats not column. They were in the Whats not.

They all end up going their separate ways. Homers replacement a chicken was getting tired so Homer may of saved the powerplant. We will never know.

The end of the episode leaves a bunch of unanswered questions but the band gets back together on the roof of Moes and sings “Baby on board”.

The human fly was really disappointed.

Police Chief Wiggum even appreciates it although he tells the boys to get the tear gas.

Now you know the rest of the story