I’ll take the cliffhanger that captivated the world.
Who Shot Mr Burns? (Part One)
Superintendent, we made the front page today!
Uh, what’s that say under your hand there?
Hmm? Oh, it’s an unrelated article.
It’s an unrelated article?
Mm hmm.
Within the banner headline?
Yes. Now, to redirect our conversation slightly, I have a few ideas on how to spend this oil money.
Well, we could give each student a full college scholarship. [both burst out laughing]
Oh, mercy. Seriously though…
Dear Lord, that’s the loudest profanity I’ve ever heard!
Have you ever seen the sun set at 3pm?
Aye, once. When I was sailin’ round the Arctic…
Shut up, you!
Well, I couldn’t possibly solve this mystery.
Can you?
Yeah, I’ll give it a shot, I mean, you know, it’s my job, right?