Being a mod or admin is intolerable, and this community is at a high risk of dying

Sir this is a discussion forum


You think there was an actual non trolling reason for Keed to bump that post? You think jal, who defended the use of the c word for months even when women told him not to cares about a joke that was explicitly about how awkward young dudes looked in a picture?
Jal, who spent thousands of words arguing for using the c word online fainting about a joke about dudes women being peripheral is just so amazing.

I’ll just assume you don’t and it was bad faith to keep the argument going here as goofy alluded to.



Is making fun of jmakin by contrasting that post with what he did recently trolling? Not by any definition I can think of.

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̶V̶i̶g̶o̶r̶o̶u̶s̶ ̶d̶e̶b̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ a little ̶f̶u̶n̶


What you considered to be keeed trolling, I considered as him making a salient point.

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That salient point was definitely worth making, was a contribution this forum needed and has brought along excellent discourse. Continue as usual guys, you’re doing an amazing job making this place better the last few months.


I’m going to lock this. Users are welcome to question this decision via PM (or otherwise) and I’m sure there’s valid arguments to either side. But I genuinely do think it worsens the community when zombie threads are reinvigorated and filled primarily with antagonism.

I could be wrong. I could be right. I’m not perfect, but I am trying to help.