…voted based on what I think you think it means.
Between us, how close can we get this poll to the exact proportions of pacman?
- Pacman
- Not Pacman
0 voters
My wife claims to have never heard this song and it’s boggling my mind.
- I have heard this song
- I have not heard this song
Yes, and every time Giuliani comes up, it plays in my head as his theme. Cut to Four Seasons Total Landscaping, Rudy steps up to the podium, score kicks in, “stop your messing around…”
My father-in-law’s nurse is named Rudy. My wife said “I talked to Rudy today” and I said “Did you tell him to stop his messing around?” and she looked at me like I had two heads.
It didn’t chart in the US, so I’m not surprised unless she’s a fan of similar music from that era. Is there a movie you think she’d recognize it from?
Never heard it but there’s definitely a more famous song that sampled it but the name isn’t coming to me
I just thought this was one of those songs everyone knew.
Yeah, never heard it but there’s a Sublime song that uses it.
lol now my wife claims to be familiar with The Specials but NOT “A Message to You Rudy”. That’s just not possible.
How many heads do you have? Asking for a friend who has seven heads.
- Weird
- Not weird
0 voters
Working from home
Very dependent on work culture. In my current job (big corp) it’d probably be seen as overstepping boundaries. At my old job (small startup) people’s families and kids were constantly there.