All the FL amendments passing except 3 and 4 which is a not terrible outcome
Somehow while being the bastion of progressivism in the US, California keeps serving libertarian wet dreams. lol 7/8’s repeal? Should be unconstitutional in the state constitution, but sure, now watch gig employment eat into normal labor contracts
MN has zero so yeah at least you get to vote on something. This state is funding trash why do I live here
So there was a prop in KY that was basically 2 things
- Extend judicial seat term limits from 6 years to 8 years
- Require 6 years of practice before you are legible for a judicial seat up from 2 years.
Failed convincingly. Personally I like 2, but can understand being against 1. I imagine that had to be the big reason it failed.
I only bring that up to say fuck all you fuckers that voted Moscow Mitch for another term.
lmaooo just saw the fair tax amendment here in Illinois didn’t pass, everyone fucking thinks their gonna be a millionaire or some shit
Also lol at the Cali props voting, this country sucks
Like this map is nuts, voting yes on this would’ve shifted the state income tax burden to the Chicago area which every part outside of Chicago always wants but because we had commercials of retired firefighter Tom saying they’ll come for your money next everyone was like no let’s not do this
California gets fucking decimated in props. Unbelievable.
15, 16, 18,19,21, and 22 all went terribly.
Lofucking L at not raising property taxes on commercial properties and allowing rich fuckers to change their property taxes to avoid millions in taxes.
Just fucking gross. The plutocracy won big in CA yesterday
Same with FL just look at that stupid list. We bust our asses to give TEH VETERANS as much incentive as possible to settle here. I WONDER WHY REPUBES KEEP WINNING ELECTIONS IN FLORIDA IT IS A MYSTERY
Well looks like marijuana will be legalized in NJ. I might need to become a frequent user to get through the next few decades of this country.
Ranked choice lost in Massachusetts.
This is interesting, it would go in effect if other states had the same ballot and the total of the state electoral votes in the states that pass adds up to 270. The problem is if only blue states vote for it then we are just splitting out the EC more towards republicans. There’s prob some analysis to be done where you can see if there are enough red states where ballots like this would pass (like Texas) and then leave California off this measure
Lmaooooo florida dems tried to distance themselves from the insanely popular $15 per hour min wage because they were worried about their corporate donors. This party needs to immediately be destroyed
It’s weird, because $15 minimum wage is pretty much the mainstream eDem platform now, anyway. The days of that being a fringe left stance are long over.
All of FL Dem party leadership is getting nuked from orbit, maybe as soon as this month, definitely before Inauguration Day. People are screaming for it. The lack of outreach to Latinos, piss poor gotv effort, this amendment, all of it have the rank and file super pissed. They saw what the Trumpers were doing and waited til like two weeks before the election to react but by then it was too late.
I heard dozens of radio ads telling me to vote no on this amendment and I barely listen to the radio, just occasional sports talk during morning and afternoon commutes and at lunch. I did not hear ONE ad promoting it, no TV ads for it either.
NZ failed to legalize weed
Not a single ballot initiative for online poker/gambling?
Sports betting passed in a few states, but I haven’t seen anything on poker unfortunately.