Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

Yup direct deposit and everything.

Edit: nvm apparently it’s under my new address, despite me never filing here.

Yeah, that sucks, it should be there. My parents received 2019 and havent filed 2020 and the stim hit their account on Friday

Did you file 2019 on time or late?

Ok turns out I’m just dumb. They used my new address which I haven’t used on a tax return before, so that’s why it wasn’t working. I get paid Wednesday



I’m hoping to get mine by July…


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Yea Im hoping the change is a good thing. It’s stupid, I’m only getting like $500 back. This is the message when I log in.

Biden bucks coming.

Wife wants a new set of boobies. Biden boobies?



Pics or it didn’t happen.


Did anyone get physical checks last round? I’ve had a change in bank accounts since then so I assume I’ll get a paper check. How long did they take last time?

The IRS sends paper checks by horse and buggy. You have to fade the conductor getting dysentery to get them within 6-8 weeks.


Faster than the 2021 Post Office.

Since it’s already processed I assume I’m fairly safe to go ahead and file my 2020 taxes. We wouldn’t qualify, but I don’t see how they would retroactively disapprove it once already in transit.

Yup. That’s exactly what mine looks like? Except we are expecting a larger refund

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Yea, it’s only $500 so I don’t care. But I’d be pissed if I was getting thousands back.

My wife and I got paper checks for the other two rounds.

I wrote this on May 27th if you can compare the date with when you got it.

Nearly certain the other one came in January sometime shortly before the inauguration.

Direct deposit on Wednesday it says. Its so effing picky about my address (what they take is different that what is exactly on my return).

So a total of about $4,000. 2x$1400 plus I think about $1200 for unemployment benefit exclusion.

100% being spent on the dogs.

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Grats. Better than spending non free money on the dogs

Or gtfo


Mine says 17th as well for Biden bucks, guess the whole country gets paid Wednesday

Joe O’Biden Day!