Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

Apparently lots of poor people are having stimulus money deposited into overdrawn accounts, so banks are keeping the money, awesome country

For borrowers that, together with their affiliates, received PPP loans with an original principal amount of $2 million or greater


:upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:

Tlaib shouldn’t be pushing the lie that 5 republicans were on the side of 2k checks

That’s not why they voted no. Even the squad is helping republicans outmessage the Democrats

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Wasn’t this not allowed for the first set of stimulus checks? Feel like this happened initially last time and was corrected, hopefully the same thing happens this time

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1200 cash money yo

My wife and I got $100

Thanks Trump.

Good problem to have if the income it’s based on is still what you guys are making.

If not, sorry that sucks, and hope you’re able to get more after you file.

My wife and I are still employed but my best friends wife who makes 80-100 lost her job a month ago

They could use 1200 right now

Good thing we are going to load up millionaires with more tax free income soon but god forbid I get 1,200 to put towards a hot tub.

So my stimulus is… stuck I guess? I got some form in the mail from the IRS telling me they couldnt accept my 2019 return until I call and talk to them.

I’ve attempted to call every day 1-5 times a day the last two weeks only to get the same message every day “Our call centers are busy please try again later” and then it hangs up.



Are you sure this isn’t a scam? All my experience with IRS with issues with my return was via mail.

Yeah it came through the mail and told me to call their number. Would be a pretty shitty scam if I couldnt get through to them for 2 weeks.

Expert verisimilitudinous scam. Once you finally get through to them, even the Indian accent won’t phase you.


It has an official notice number which I can find on the IRS website so I’m sure it’s legit. Their website also shows I havent filed even though I filed back in October.

First time around banks agreed not to do this. Maybe it was a short notice but most likely just bankers twirling their moustaches.

I once had a bank take all the money out of my account, charge me a fee for it, and then charge me an overdraft fee because there wasn’t any money in the account to pay the first fee.


It’s my contention that banks provide very little service anymore. They are mostly a tax on financial transactions and a punitive tax at that.

I’ve always advocated for a return to the mattress method.

It’s funny. There was a time when regularly having overdrafts jeopardized your account. Now it makes you a gold star customer.

The guy bouncing multiple transactions a month is making the bank more than the guy maintaining a 20k balance.

In a sane world these fees would fall under usury restrictions and be illegal.

It’s stupid they get to call them fees when they are just flat rate vig.