Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

lol they nailed it. It was 100% political theater. Nothing wrong with political theater, but if they gave a shit they would have been trying to do this before the bill was done. Trump has been calling for larger cash payments for weeks.

Dems are absolute useless fucking trash. Trump was calling for bigger payments, as was Bernie and the progressives, but the main faction and Nancy didn’t say a fucking thing until after the bill passed.

Complete fucking ghouls. They could have been passing skinny bills for direct payments for weeks leading up to it to put pressure on Mitch. They could have quoted Trump and asked for bigger payments before the bill was done. Yet only progressives were doing this.


Like why don’t they pass an actual fucking bill. Just a skinny bill for 2K. Because they don’t want to and as it says, its all weak political theater and literally nobody is going to fall for it. They want people to believe them they need to pass actual bills and they need to do it before Trump outflanks them from the fucking left.

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It kinda was, wasn’t it? there was no doubt someone in the GOP caucus would block it.

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isn’t this what they’re doing Monday?

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So I have a sister who has been on unemployment since September, would she be one of the 14 million impacted by unemployment expiring tmrw? Or is this only for people who have been on UE > 26 weeks?

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Only for > 26 weeks, plus gig workers/contractors/etc who normally don’t qualify for unemployment at all.

I’ve been receiving a measly unemployment payment of $216/week since the spring. A few weeks back I was notified that my allotted weeks had been extended an extra 8 weeks, and as of this week I have 7 weeks remaining. Will that disappear tomorrow?

Probably. You never got the $600 BernieBux?

I got the extra $600 until July 25th I think, and then another three weeks worth in October.


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It won’t expire if you are drawing from a ‘regular’ claim. If you are drawing from a pandemic claim (PUA), it will indeed expire. EDIT: since you mentioned getting an extension, I’d say it’s a regular claim and you are good to file and collect the remaining weeks.

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I was discussing the stimulus on a non political sub and it made me realize how much better Republicans are at this. Apparently they tried to pass like 40 bills as the minority party, it was all PPP bullshit, but still they messaged on that democrats were blocking stimulus. Which is why so many people blame both sides. They didn’t realize it was all a give away to the wealthy, they just knew the dems weren’t doing shit either.

Maybe we were wrong to make fun of Republicans for continually holding votes to repeal Obamacare.

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That means that that for 2020 we got about tree fiddy each ($1200/365)

Seems like there should be way more coverage of and attention given to the fact that Congress can pass the cash to people without Trump via a simple 2/3 vote. Democrats should be pounding away - don’t let so-called “reasonable” Republicans hide behind Trump’s insanity. All roads lead to Mitch McConnell, period.

Apparently they are setting up a ballroom at Mar-a-gag-me for a covid bill signing ceremony.

Nancy better go through with the additional $1400 vote tomorrow (should be for an extra $2000).

The bill is already dead, isn’t it (via pocket veto)? They have to pass something new for him to have something to sign?

He signed it

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