Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

Landlords would be idiots to evict, there are no replacement tenants in Class C apartments, their entire customer base is decimated economically.

That said, Class C landlords are seriously some of the absolute worst people imaginable so I’m sure they’ll do it anyway.




That’s what I’ve been thinking through this entire ordeal. They are going to kick someone out only to let the apartment sit empty? Seems pretty dumb. Hell, if a landlord works with tenants and lets them stay, maybe they could actually build some goodwill and develop a stronger tenant community. But that takes more work than having the cops knock on doors, so what do I know.

Assume that landlord voted for Trump. Convince me that this person is incapable of doing things that are pretty dumb.

BTW, one thing I’ve discovered from reading Marsha Blackburn’s facebook comments is that her most vocal commenters literally incapable of seeing any situation as anything other than zero-sum. I really think this factor is massively underrated in how much Trump was able to “resonate” with these dipshits.

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If they kick them out then they can get a new tenant who will pay the rent.

Sure there aren’t tons of tenants looking but there will be some and so being able to find someone and make money is better than someone being there, increasing maintenance costs and getting zero in rent.

Now of course ideally they work with the tenant and don’t evict them, but from their purely money-driven point of view, eviction will make sense to many and will increase profit for many.

Like all real estate, that calculus for them will be based on location and market, so will vary from place to place.

And like all rentals, the good landlords will work with their tenants while the slumlords will churn them as fast as possible to maximize profit and inso’s boss’ wealth.


They need to just go hard as hell in the paint saying they only thing standing in the way of Americans and $2k checks are Republicans in Georgia. Don’t talk about Trump, no need to do promotion for him. Just say if Dems win in Georgia, people will get direct cash payments. Say that Republicans are anti-cash payments. I’m not sure this situation could be any more teed up for Dems to make a play for those seats. Just mash this button. Please. One time.


D: OK deal, $2000 checks
R: Just kidding, $600 checks


If anyone needs a taste of where lol landlords stand, they (substantially all Republicans, of course), are predictably pissed off they aren’t getting enough free money. Basically all of them with any scale got PPP, btw.


I think part of the argument is that it’s hard to tell how many people he has exploited and ruined in his run to get the billions which would be something to weigh against how much good he is doing. Also it matters how he’s continuing to make the money. If you think the system he ran up the money in was exploitative then he is still making these billions from this same system.The system where he makes this immense wealth is also a cause of some of these issues.

I think he was pushing for the Oakland school system to go the full privatization route like New Orleans and has invested heavily in “studying” whether privatization works. He has countless private schools in Africa, like sure they might actually be good for the people there (although I think there is debate about this) but is it stable promoting a world where billionaires from America or anywhere control schooling all over the world.

I get what you’re saying, but it’s kind of difficult for them to do that when for example a D senator is bragging that if only they had all the power the checks would be $1200. They have little credibility to claim otherwise. So, they got out-populisted by Trump saying $2000.


Around here the eviction filings since the moratorium expired are up 300% over the previous year. However, few landlords are proceeding to step 2 and trying to actually get people out yet. They want to establish their legal claims while holding out hope for more government handouts, plus the opportunity to saddle their tenants with years’ worth of debt slavery.

yes I agree. But they shouldn’t worry about fact-checking themselves. They should just say $2,000 now.

One thing the age of Trump and social media seems to portend is that “what have you done for me lately” is more like “what are you doing for me right now?” or probably even better: “what will you do for me?”

We know that hypocrisy doesn’t matter and we get frustrated because so often politicians do things directly contrary to what they had previously said and done. But the collective attention span is that of a gnat and Georgia voters aint got time for fact-checking. So just say you’re doing every single thing you can every minute of the day to get $2k checks to people and Republicans are all that is standing in the way.

So apparently these assholes not only made PPP tax-free, they’re now (with this bill) allowing businesses to deduct the “expense.” Absolutely absurd.

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What expense? The debt they won’t have to pay back?