Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

They literally just put up ‘$400’ for this in Trump’s EO, but if you say so. No one’s proposing it so I guess we’ll never know…

*$300 for 4-5 weeks

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I believe you’re playing a game without a predictable outcome. If the GOP wins, there will be nothing else. I think we all know that. If they lose, there still might not be anything else until January. If the Dems win strong, something big will happen if necessary.

We also don’t know what will be going on with the pandemic in November, so that’s yet another variable you have to account for that no one is. What if it actually does turn seasonal or dies off or something and no additional relief is necessary as the economy rebounds like a USA#1 champ? What if the pandemic becomes 100 times worse? Will the GOP just sit around as 18 Senators die saying, ‘nothing to see here folks, you can have your cake at my birthday party next year’?

Why do you think I put it in quotes?

Also, that’s not the GOP doing anything, that’s the president

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That’s the president’s position to tell Mitch what to try to get. He gave away his whole bargaining starting position with those EOs and I think bored would even agree with me on that.

So I’m a full 3 months PUA behind and now The federal part (or the state part too?) is going away for gig workers???


I’m a poker player. I’m used to games without a predictable outcome. I evaluate the probabilities and pick what I think is the highest EV course. That doesn’t mean I lack empathy for the people who will be collateral damage in pursuing that course; it just means I feel angry and vengeful towards the Republicans who have put us in this situation.

I’m willing to play this exercise with however complicated you want to make the decision tree. How many branches can you handle? Working out the math is probably the best way to convince people ITT. Are you afraid to do it? You don’t seem afraid to engage in a repetitive back and forth. My way might be shorter in the long run, but I think we’ve shown you don’t like to consider the long run and probably aren’t thinking beyond your next post.


Should we? Obviously not. Will we anyway? Well…

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Lol Mnuchin.

No USPS or election security, of course.

Why the hell is the Treasury Secretary negotiating legislation, btw?

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PUA was always all federal money administered by states. The $600 is indeed gone, A lower amount equal to half of UI, which varies by states, remains. I’m down to $190/wk in PUA.

Also lol at rental assistance but nothing about rent freezes or eviction help

It blows my mind the Democrats aren’t just saying “we passed our bill, when the Senate passes theirs we look forward to evaluating it.” Just keep passing your bill over and over and shouting the same message. They are not properly leveraging Mitch’s inability to pass ANY bill.


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Dems already agreed to it if it went passed the election. Doing it up to the election and then having no stimulus during the lame duck is stupid as fuck and will get way more people killed. If trump and the GOP loses the stimulus will expire and they literally won’t pass a fucking thing and everyone is going to be completely and utterly fucked way more.

You don’t know that nothing will get done in the lame duck. What happens in the election will determine that. If the GOP wins, they’ll probably just cancel whatever is out there. Again, they’re willing to nuke the whole country if they lose and even if they think they’ll lose the Senate. There is no negotiation going on here. They’re fine with doing nothing but are also quite happy to try to lay the blame at the feet of the Democrats. As long as people can live with the consequences of that, whatever. I can’t, that’s why I’m saying something.



Nothing about UE assistance in his memo.

Does that mean they aren’t willing to provide UE anymore?

If benefits expire after the election and lame duck won’t do anything, that will suck, but dems can come out and say as soon as inauguration is over, they’ll pass retroactive assistance, then it’ll be less painful than what’s already gonna happen.

In fact, they could say “we will pass Kamala’s 2k/month retro to March as soon as we take the office”

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Just making it completely obvious their plan is to cheat like a motherfucker.