Art you like by artists you don't like

Woody Allen immediately comes to mind.

Ryan Adams being a total nightmare with women didn’t/doesn’t come as a huge shock, but it definitely diminished my enjoyment of his music.

Jimmy Woods was incredible in Casino!

Shadow Over Insmouth is great, but it’s a little upsetting when you realize the fish-men are possibly supposed to represent Italians or something.

Maybe I’m a gender traitor here, but Pablo Neruda has been and always will be my favorite poet, because of his work, not because of his personality. I’m old and have loved his poetry for so long that I’m not sure I could ever cancel him like the youth of Chile are now. Also, politically speaking, he was a beacon of progressivism in dark, dark times.

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Ben Garrison! :transmet_smiley:


James Woods was who I immediately thought of. One of my favourite actors, one of my least favourite people.

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Hilariously, George W Bush is thought of more fondly by many American liberals than someone like Kirstie Alley. One’s crime was voting for Trump twice, the other’s, well, you know. Let’s not dwell on it, mistakes were made. He gave Michelle a candy, that’s got to count for something right?


He was in Oliver Stone’s 1st big movie iirc.

I’m a fan, too. His doppelganger is Angel Di Maria, currently playing in the World Cup

:chair: :chair:

American artist Jeff Koons is world renowned for his gimmicky, kitsch Pop Art, which pushes the boundaries of good taste. His body of art is widely diverse, encompassing photography, sculpture, painting and installation. But since his early days as an artist, Koons has rarely made any of his final artworks. Instead, he comes up with the concept, and finds a way of outsourcing the final production of the artwork. He says, “I’m basically the idea person. I’m not physically involved in the production.”


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Dude has a stable of giant birthday clowns slaving away in his dungeon.


From what I’ve read, this is actually closer to reality than you might think. He had balloon artists make the designs and then modeled them in 3D software to get the blueprints for the upscaled fabrication. So basically like one division of real balloon clowns and another of computer balloon clowns.

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It’s not that unusual. Michelangelo and Walt Disney for example.


This is awesome. And a part of me can’t stop thinking how much more awesome it might be w modern technology to capture the image.

I look at this and feel like it is a brilliant idea but only half executed, which makes me suspect I’m missing the point and getting caught in the spectacle, which hey, maybe is the point.

I somehow missed the sexual assault and misconduct allegations against Mark Kozelek (Red House Painters, Sun Kil Moon) until today. I already knew he was an asshole, but it’s a pretty big bummer he’s also a rapey scumbag.

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