I personally think many of today’s Democrats may as well be Republicans, but I haven’t followed politics long. Would you say a moderate Democratic today is to the right or left of moderate in say the 60s or 70s?
I’ve seen some footage of the 60s riots and they seemed pretty damn conservative
You’re free to do whatever you want. My point was it’s intellectually vapid. And you’re not even doing as good of a job at mocking as you think you are
We’ve seen this pathetic little song and dance before, no need to bring it up again. Seriously it’s much more tired than the “GUVMINT RESTRICTIONS” argument you referenced earlier. Lots of older comedians whose jokes and and styles don’t match the preferences of current college students aren’t invited to perform at those colleges; they do not have any inherent privilege to be invited to whatever college they want. Neither does Bari Weiss or Stephen Miller or Milo or whoever else might be making this specific complaint.
No one is shouting you down. You are a consistently bad poster in almost every thread and at the volumes you post generally bring the level of discourse down.
We just watched brutal state violence used against civil rights activists across the entire country last summer for exercising their first amendment rights. We’re not in danger of losing free speech in the US because it never existed in the first place.
They are invited you nitwit. How do you think it works? They just show up at random? The student bodies are the ones who decide to invite someone. Jfc at least take a moment to learn how colleges work before making an ass of yourself