Are people who served in the military culpable for their actions?

Maybe we should find some veterans and interview them about their reasons for joining (and leaving) the military.

Once you’ve stopped rubbing one out after creeping people out by spying on your neighbours, ok Mr Non Sexist.

So you’re a lawyer who’s done some good things and some bad things mostly due to joining and being a part of a messed-up system with perverse incentives.

And yet no one has ever called you out for it out of the blue. Or insinuated that you are responsible for the casualties of the legal system. Weird huh.

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Ahhh yes law bros never get shit on here


This thread already happened. If you scroll down you’ll read one awful story after another about the price people paid to ‘serve their country’.

You guys can say any negative thing you want about the way our military has been used since the end of WW2 and I’ll likely agree with you. You try to blame the typical person in the armed services for it and you’ve already seen ITT how I’ll react. The correct way to criticize US foreign policy always involves prefacing what you’re about to say by noting that the members of the military’s job is to follow orders and as a result aren’t responsible for following lawful orders. The person who issued those orders is responsible full stop. Everyone else is just basically a bystander to what happened even if they pulled the trigger (perhaps especially the trigger puller, particularly if they see the person they shot in their sleep the rest of their life).

Don’t dilute the blame onto the people at the bottom when it belongs with the people at the top. Every out in the deck for us is from changing how things are done at the top so that it filters down through the system. Money doesn’t trickle down but culture sure does.

If you notice it’s only the liberal law bros that get shit on. By the same posters that always complain about how this forum isn’t left enough.

The leftist utopians itt are strawmanning the hardest.

I haven’t seen a single poster “fetishize” the military on this forum and I would know since I would be the most likely to do it.

I recommend watching Howl’s Moving Castle. Even Miyazaki‘s idealist ass understood the nuance of existence and war.

Heads love to point to the socialist democracies of Europe when talking the MIC and budgets but NEVER mention the part about living under the protection of the US military.

No. This is a horrible take. Are you feeling guilty about something today? You’re off the rails ITT.


See it’s always good to point out people were just following orders to absolve them of any blame

I mean some of the darkest, most depraved behavior in human history has been “rationalized” by claiming, “I was just following orders.”

Are you advocating that the US not have a military?

Legal orders is there for a reason. Someone orders you to commit a war crime you’re supposed to say no. There are also obvious limits. People are responsible for the decisions they made and the impacts those decisions had. You don’t have to go up many layers before you’re in deep shit under that model in Nazi Germany. Even there though what you had was a top level problem and that filtering down the ranks.

That’s disgusting and out of line in numerous ways. I love that you pearl clutch like crazy if I ever use the f-word toward you and your friends, but you’re out here hurling out of line, disgusting and ridiculous attacks at numerous regs.

And at least I managed to reflect on my take, admit I was wrong on part of it, and move on. That’s the difference between you and me. I’m enlightened enough to be introspective enough to at least occasionally admit I’m wrong and do better in the future. You couldn’t admit you were wrong on “ghetto blasters” and you’re never going to about it on this latest one, either.

No, the real crime here is that time I transgressed, learned, apologized and grew. I’m the real villain and that’s where the attention should go, not toward this new thing you’ll never address.

You’re a disgracefully mean-spirited man who can’t admit he is wrong about anything, whose only joy on here comes from attempting to assert moral superiority over others by virtue of being born in an empire that had already declined rather than in one that was in the process of declining.

Meanwhile your posting belies the truth: you’re not morally superior, you’re actually unwilling to inspect any of your personal faults enough to notice you have said more racist or sexist stuff than most people here, while doing less growing than most people here.

To top it off you’re more mean spirited than most people here, and you have a nasty habit of addressing it not only at your enemies who can be mean too, but at mild mannered regs who mostly leave you alone.


A lot of the greatest atrocities and most suffering has been caused by people who signed up for what they considered noble and good reasons and if they were even introduced to the idea that they might be asked to do something wrong and might bear some responsibility for their decision most of the people around them would have reacted as many in this thread have, by taking offense that anyone would do anything other than thank them for their service.

I’d never admit that to you given how you approached it, correct. Take it as a way to learn and grow.

serving whom.

carry on. or better yet, don’t.

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Please quote these examples.

Those atrocities and that suffering weren’t caused by any of those people. They were caused by the people who made the decisions to make those things happen. This is probably why you’re an anarchist. You think people really have a choice. The person who has a choice is the person who made the choice.

You’re blaming people who did as they were told after being conditioned and incentivized to do what they were told their entire lives. They worked as intended… the evil was done by the person issuing the command. There are situations where an order is given out that’s such a huge problem that discipline breaks down… but those are pretty damn rare compared to the whole machine working as intended.

If I am driving a car and I use it to drive into a crowd it’s me who attacked the crowd not the car.

I approached it exactly the way you said I should have while attacking me for approaching it at all. Almost word for word what you said I should have said. The fact that you still haven’t realized that is amazing.

You just hate me so much you blew up at the mere notion of the boorish American catching you using a racist term, and couldn’t admit you were wrong.

I mean, shoot, you’re basically admitting here that your dislike of me is more important to you than addressing your use of a racist term, while you’re deflecting from being called out for sexism… After attacking me by making stuff up to exaggerate an instance of me being wrong when I admitted it months ago and apologized… Only to finish with the chefs kiss suggestion that I use it as an opportunity to learn and grow.