Amazon, the Catalyst of a Philosophical Hijack on "Human Nature"

Ordered a couple of random video game accessories that I had been eyeing off Amazon - one had a nice prime day deal, the other didn’t. When I tried to order the one on sale by itself it was two day shipping but when I ordered them both together they came today. Weird and also surprising that they were able to get these items to me in one day, they can’t be that fast of movers typically.

I’m on team people are mostly good, but easily frightened and gullible.

Like I’ve always said I know lots of Trumpers who are good neighbors, good dad’s, will help you out with a flat tire. As long as they don’t know you’re " the enemy " that theyve been brainwashed into believing.

There has just been immense resources and brain power spent on manipulating people to make them act in the interest of capital.

The one thing I will say is most people are also pretty selfish which sucks. Probably an evolution thing from when resources were scarce and they can’t evolve because the propaganda they’re fed daily won’t let them.

Mine goes to my kids school’s Parent Teacher Organization.

Christ, I’ve personally accounted for $303. I buy too much from Amazon.


I do. Not sure if it does when I buy on my app though tbh.

From the Seattle Times. (From a “live” story stream, so I’ll paste some parts here.) Note that it’s supposed to be about 100 today.

Amazon warehouses in Kent remain in operation, despite lack of climate control

At one warehouse in Amazon’s complex in Kent, workers on Sunday were handed iced neck scarves and drinking water. The facility, which is not climate-controlled, is normally cooled by giant rotating ceiling fans. This weekend, Amazon added “massive” fans on the floor, said a worker on duty at the facility Sunday.

Heat precautions were less evident at another of Amazon’s Kent facilities, where interior temperatures neared 90 degrees by midday, said a second worker. Not every workstation had functioning fans, that worker said. And some departments were running “power hours,” in which workers are asked to move as quickly as they can for an hour to boost productivity.

“I was sweating immediately,” said the second worker. “I’m really surprised at how ill-prepared they are, given we have known it would be this hot for a little bit now.” Some workers went home early because they couldn’t stand the heat, the worker said.

I’m sure it’s miserable as hell in there, dangerously so even, and I’d tell them to shove their power hour all the way up their asses. But “I broke a sweat” isn’t getting much sympathy from me.

Yeah I used to pick orders in Texas in an I air conditioned facility. Not really feeling too bad for them.

But Amazon still super cray cray.

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This is the number one reason why I want a tight labor market. Amazon’s warehouse model is predicated on just churning through low level employees because the assumption is there’ll always be more unemployed. Tighten that market up and there will be a lot less “opps the algorithm fired them for no reason, oh well”


amazon churns through high level employees too

So on the competitive retailer / wholesaler relationship perhaps I was wrong.

Discounted stock prices as part of deal making. I don’t hate it as a deal item, I hate it because why they are doing it.

They will eventually leverage this to controlling interests lowering costs and sharing expenses but all the benefit is for Bezos.

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lol Jeffie

Billionaires’ race to space: Virgin Galactic’s Richard Branson now set to beat Blue Origin’s Bezos to space

Branson’s flight could come as early as July 11, nine days before Bezos is set to fly to space

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I say this 100% seriously… I hope they both die in a ball of fire.


here’s a hypothetical: if virgin’s rocket explodes, does bezos wuss out a delay his launch?

Unfortunately it’s a probably yes.


Amazon has updated its Alexa voice assistant after it “challenged” a 10-year-old girl to touch a coin to the prongs of a half-inserted plug.

The suggestion came after the girl asked Alexa for a “challenge to do”.

“Plug in a phone charger about halfway into a wall outlet, then touch a penny to the exposed prongs,” the smart speaker said.


However, she said her daughter was “too smart to do something like that”.

Given how the world has been fucked by stupid people, is it so wrong to take a few dumb kids out of the gene pool?