Altitude adjustment: the aviation thread

Hard disagree with the notion that if a major airliner was falling out of the sky every week, it wouldn’t reduce air travel numbers meaningfully. Heck, most businesses would probably stop sending people on airplanes just for liability and morale reasons.

Otoh, two air disasters a day is probably well within Trump’s range.

There was a decent drop in passengers after 9/11 (about 20% and took a few years to recover to prior levels) - which was far more of a one-off than if a flight starting crashing each month.

In the entire history of commercial aviation there have been only 635 commercial airline accidents that involved a fatality and 11,000 total aviation accidents of any kind. There are like 35 million flights a year.

Planes are not going to fall from the sky weekly.

It doesn’t have to even be that often. It just needs to be often enough that it’s becomes a story in the media. If that happens idiots on social media will start reporting every near miss (which I’m sure there are hundreds of per year). It won’t matter that the uptick is only slight (or even non-existent) - people are idiots and will believe it’s terrible - just look at how quick people were to accept that there was a drone invasion.

If this happened while Biden were president, I wouldn’t be shocked if Fox News started running stories about every near miss with Republicans demanding House oversight.

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There were runway 1100 near misses last year in the US. This includes any incursion.

I’m sure there’s a bit of streisand effect going on here, but also…another one?

We’ll soon find out how people react to a deadly crash per week.

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You are right, but this is an urban design thing. Most people have a choice about whether to go to a travel destination that requires flying. 98% of North Americans have to drive if they want to have a job or get food to eat. Driving is so deeply ingrained in every daily task because of our car dependent urban design, so people seldom consider the risks of driving because it’s unfathomable to most people that they could not drive.


I literally just told a cow-orker yesterday that if there’s another crash before sunday I’m not going to the conference we’re booked at next week (I’m sort of joking but nah?)

Yeah if you’re going to start looking at light aircraft/general aviation crashes, you’re going to be not super excited to learn how often people get ranched there.

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Obviously gross but dems should hammer the “planes are falling out of the sky” message. It’s time to come over the top with a little propaganda.


I view planes as big busses with wings. Occasionally I don’t know if we have taken off or not. Slept thru landings. A million miles will do that.

it was supposed to be PRICES going down not PLANES


Good God now the trains are falling out of the sky!


even 2-dimensional flying is horked

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Trains are one dimensional imo.

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That’s why I could never get into Thomas the Tank Engine…

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