All That Jazz - Skydiver8's Democratic National Convention adventure!

God I’m so far behind. Just so much happening and not a lot of good WiFi time.

The CA breakfast was once again the place to be Tuesday, thought it was a bit more sedate. The one today, though…well, you have to wait.

JB Pritzker welcomed us. One thing I like about him is that he doesn’t try to hide the fact he’s a billionaire, he owns it and flips it to why it’s important to be a Dem.

Next up was Josh Shapiro, who has obviously worked with a dialogue coach to learn how sound EXACTLY like Barack Obama. It’s uncanny.

Back to California with LA Mayor Karen Bass

Then we got a visit from Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su. She was good but had to end her speech early…

…because Big Gretch had arrived!!

That was it for the CA breakfast. I didn’t go to McCormick place because I had been invited to the Vote Vets luncheon/party which was at what has to be the biggest most gorgeous IBEW hall I’ve ever seen. So after trying to get an Uber for ten minutes I finally hopped in a good old taxi and headed over at noon.

Before the speakers I got to meet a couple great folks. This type of event is nice because you immediately have something to talk about.

Note: I’m terrible at taking selfies because my arms are weirdly short. Apologies in advance.

First, the next Governor of Virginia, god willing, Abigail Spanberger

Next, I got to chat a bit with the next Senator from New Jersey, Andy Kim

Several great speakers, including a much more honest and, heh, raw Tammy Duckworth than we saw later last night. She’s a soldier talking to veterans. The language was much more colorful, to say the least :rofl:

And of course it wouldn’t be a VoteVets event without Pete!

After that it was back to the hotel to catch the bus to the United center.


On to day two, Roll call, Republicans, Doug, and the Obamas.

Once again the CDP was a shitshow. I showed you our seats due to 7 rows of reserved seats. But it’s not like they actually had a plan or a list. People were coming and going from those seats for a couple hours, and at one point Sharon Davis was sitting right next to me because for some reason they didn’t have one of those reserved for the wife of a former governor to be able to sit with her husband. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Side note: it was also kind of weird to see Gray Davis at the DNC and all over the coverage. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Anyway, we kind of expected last night to be a little boring until the Obamas but holy shit was I wrong.

I cannot describe the atmosphere during the roll call. First of all, all the seasoned delegates said that was the best one they’ve ever done, and it’s usually nothing like that.

Everyone was cheering every state, the music was great, and it was just electric. Lil Jon brought down the house and I loved how he worked “we’re not going back” into the song.

I’m kind of salty that they cut James Taylor on Monday in favor of some country people no one really knows, but Patti LaBelle makes up for that.

Malcolm Kenyatta was FANTASTIC. I’ve been following his career for a while (he was a Pete supporter in 2020) and he’s going to be the next PA auditor general. Took this on Monday when it was a little less chaotic. Also saw him after his speech and was able to tell him how well he did.

Michelle was on fire. I guess she’s over the whole “when they go low we go high” bullshit. I had a cameo during her speech on the streaming feed. I’ll try to find it and upload later.

The black jobs line was incredible.

Finally, I’m not ashamed to admit I was bawling when Obama came out. I never had a chance in 08 or 12 to see him in person, and I assume the vibes were similar, so I guess the weight of history caught up to me. Thank goodness I was hidden from most of the cameras.

Also, the crowd took a second to appreciate the dick size joke, but we knew it would be a big moment of the night.

I had a ticket to the party with John Legend but we were so fucking tired we just went back to the hotel….and proceeded to drink at the bar until 1. God I’m an idiot. I’m so tired, my voice is gone, but the best is still to come.


John Legend just played his one man show at our local casino amphitheater, and it was fantastic. Only down spot was when I was thanking a group of four white men who left about halfway through for coming, they gave me a knowing nod and said " That BOY talks too much."

Ah the joys of living and working in a red county. John’s comment about Kamala being the next president right before he played “Wonder Woman” brought the house down though, so aside from those cracker asses, there was genuine enthusiasm in a very red city/county/area in a place that seats 4K.


To be fair: if it wasn’t for Jason Isbell (who is really good), there would never be a 30-50 feral hogs tweet.

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Was that a dick size joke from Barack? Went over my head if so. I just read it as him mocking Trump’s hand gestures while also talking about his crowd size infatuation. Maybe I’m just very naive.

Watch his final little gesture and facial expression.


Yeah, some Twitter searching indicates I’m just an idiot and that it went straight over my head.

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It was a whoosh for me too.

It was fucking impeccably delivered.


Why are you doing selfies with two hands?

A selfie is a one hand thing.

One of the external buttons will take the picture, you’ll just need to figure out which one.

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Every day seems like such a whirlwind experience. I’ve gone from never having had an interest is the conventions to being jealous I’m not there.


Yeah, this convention in particular seems like the one to be at in recent memory. Maybe even moreso than ‘08, although being at Invesco that night must’ve been a pretty cool experience.


Skydiver, how gone is your voice right now? How well are you going to sleep tomorrow. What an exhausting week.

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No update yet. Must have been one hell of a closing night. Hopefully booked a full day before flying home.

She’s still buried underneath 100,000 balloons.


Skydiver with the Mallort last night:



I’m glad UP was represented at the convention

Skydiver’s probably still hungover


I owe y’all two days worth of content…I am home now, i sound like I’ve been a 2-pack a day smoker for the past 20 years, and I still haven’t unpacked.

I need a minute to recover and I’ll post tomorrow!


Sounds like a Malortified good time

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