All That Jazz - Skydiver8's Democratic National Convention adventure!

One team at my weekly bar trivia always makes their team name based around Malort. And yeah my friend bought a bottle and yeah…it lives up to its hype…

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Is this impulse something on the order of bashing your head into a wall to confirm whether or not it will hurt? These are pretty convincing reviews.

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Thank you, o’great mots for making my rambing (love you skydiver8)
ANTI capitalistic, and slightly drunk something something

love u all

senze meking it doez not, do yor jib

donkey moths

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I’m certain that bashing my head into a wall would hurt.

But I’m not certain on Malort. I might love it. Some people must, otherwise it wouldn’t get sold, right?

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The fox guy is trying to bash Biden for mixing stuff up but then says “2003” when I’m pretty sure he meant “2023”. According to himself it’s probably time he be put out to pasture.

The tiktok video wont play on UP but I looked it up and her reaction is amazing :joy:

link it on another platform?

You wont love it

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I just looked it up on tiktok. Heres the link, hopefully wont default to embedding.

Eta: it did embed, so I added (remove me) and it should be clickable now?

(Remove me)TikTok - Make Your Day(remove me)


Thanks, I googled the person’s name and clicked on the first result and scrolled to the video and it worked.

We appreciate your sacrifice and your brain cells.

Hope you did your duty and told everyone that Kamala can’t actually be on the ballot on Ohio and they should just let the professionals handle it.
Do you have to pay for pics?

No, nobody loves it. I don’t know how it gets sold but it’s not that.

You should try it for the experience though. It is like bashing your head against a wall. But, like an oddly shaped wall, with a strange mix of materials such that yes, it will still clearly be painful, but in a way you’re not quite sure what to expect, and there’s something intriguing about that. Then next time you see the wall you can say no thank you, I know now what that feels like and it’s not something I care to experience again.


I know it’s been said many times but Pete is insanely good at this. Every time this dude tries to come out with his loaded question Pete just expertly interrupts him and puts him on his heels. Love it. You can’t beat these guys on the merits of your argument, even as insane as theirs is. There are a lot of soft skills required to do this and come off well and Pete is one of the few I have ever seen do it.


It really is impressive how he just plows forward with what he wants to say while managing to not come off as terribly rude or aggressive. And when he is being talked over by the interviewer he pivots to less important filler words like “and by the way” so that his actual talking points arent being talked over. It’s a master class.


Kind of how I felt giving Absinthe a shot way back in 2006.