Afghanistan Wars: The Taliban Strikes Back.

It will happen. It will just take a lot longer than you or I would like. Decades.

Except remember Republicans explicitly campaigned on Hillary being a warmonger and they endlessly criticized Obama for not wrapping up the Forever Wars. These are both actually fair criticisms, though they obviously ignore the Republican Party’s role is starting these bullshit conflicts to begin with.

They’re 100% going to flip again and complain about chickenshit Dems abandoning our allies and how Biden lost the wars we were just on the verge of winning. It’s completely predictable.

I’m glad we’re leaving but we can’t even evacuate?



It seems like there were more taliban in the shadows than intelligence thought…

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Hard to rein people in when they’ve been fighting for decades. Why not take potshots at your enemies when they’re on the run?

They are religious fanatics.

To me it seems strategically smart by the Taliban to push hard now. The US has already started getting wishy washy about full withdrawal and is making plans to send thousands of troops back in. Why allow that to happen, giving us more time to rethink leaving and allow political pressure in favor of perpetual military occupation? We’re only going to do that if there is something to preserve. Once Kabul and the current government falls, we’re not re-invading to resurrect it.



I am sitting here pretty disillusioned, feeling helpless again when many people have to live under a brutal tyranny and nobody wants to stand up for them anymore. In the end we have to ask ourselves is that all we can do? Not just in Afghanistan, there are so many shitty places. You have two major powers with Russia and China that basically think that everything any government does within their borders is off limits. They will stand by if somebody opens up KZ’s and kills people as long as he keeps it within its borders.
I think one of the bigger problems was that there wasnt enough oversight. How much was congress really interested in what the US were doing the whole time or all the other parliaments around the world? Why did nobody ever set goals u want to achieve? It seems the war only came up when soldiers died or when there was a bigger attack. Now everyone is shocked.


You can setup whatever you want however you want but if the people just don’t care in the end to try to fight like here none of it mattered.

Get out and move on and god what a waste of everything.

More fibre required imo.

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What if we send our anti-vax soldiers over there? Don’t want to get the shot? Go fight in Afghanistan.

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Yeah I tend to agree but it would be nice to at least get all our friends out first.

Also poor Kabul.

Btw this is basically my worst fear with the 3% nutjobs - that our army either lays down their arms or joins them. Doesn’t matter what the generals want if that happens. I doubt the fighter pilots would turn at first. But if you put them in a position to strafe and bomb their own people, what will they do?

This is also one reason I think the BLM riots were a good thing. To show those 3%ers they aren’t the only ones who care enough to get out in the streets. Those guys only understand power. Yeah the militias were more heavily armed. But there were 10s of millions marching all last summer.

And I think the Capitol riot did a lot to show the army/NG/police grunts that these people are not their friends and will turn on them the second they don’t comply.

Not Trump’s fault the Taliban were still there 15 years after we invaded Afghanistan.