Afghanistan Wars: The Taliban Strikes Back.

Yeah Iraq was pure neocon evil.

Why isn’t it a very good thing, on the whole, for the people of Afghanistan that the Taliban took over quickly and more peacefully than could have possibly been imagined via negotiations.

Only in the idiotic, deranged minds of the DC establishment would it be preferable for the Afghan govt to continue fighting for another 18 months before valiantly falling and suffering brutal recriminations for not surrendering earlier……all because it would be better for American prestige or some shit?


i think thats correct other than the quick fall doesnt allow for people to get out before possibly being killed or imprisoned

Are you talking about China or the World Bank/IMF?

Their goal was to make money

They succeeded.

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There have been just a few thousand US/NATO personnel there for a while. In 2011, there were about 200000. That take shouldn’t have gotten anywhere really, but definitely shouldn’t have made it to 2012.

Proud of the KC mayor.

KC accepted a bunch of Vietnamese refugees after the Vietnam War. They settled in a predominately Latino neighborhood. The two groups got along well together and have created a number of cross-cultural initiatives.


Sounds like everything is going to be a-ok.

Why can they not still leave if the US/West will have them? The cities were taken shockingly peacefully. That wouldn’t have happened if the people on the Afghan gov’t side thought they were doomed to torture and death the way the US military establishment would have you believe. This culture of peaceful surrender seems to be super rational and good for the people:

Karzai seems to think he and his daughters will be fine:

Afghanistan isn’t America, the Taliban aren’t going to throw millions of their countrymen in jail to rot. I’m sure there will be recriminations against some Afghan govt folks that got caught on the wrong side of these negotiations but seems far preferable than massive bloodshed on both sides for another year or two, and then having the recriminations.

agreed with you, i think we will see how it goes

Amazing that I could infer this would be the stance while the military establishment paints a picture of doom and gloom and our media slops it up to punish Biden/Trump politically for defying them. It’s almost like they are all rotten, filthy liars.

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A lot of common ground can be found under the broad topic of “white people suck, don’t they?”

We’ll see if that female mayor is killed or not.

I mean just because the men wouldn’t fight to keep their women from being stripped of all rights, doesn’t mean it won’t be terrible for women, especially single women - who the Taliban consider property - and supposedly will get married off as rewards.

I agree that fighting for 18 months, assuming they had no way to win, is a worse outcome. But it’s still going to be horrible for women and secular professionals.

Mind-boggling images coming out of this thing.

More of a side note.

In the Philippines, the ongoing insurgency in the south has a direct unbroken line to the US occupation and atrocities circa 1900

Israeli rescue of 14k Ethiopian Jews had 1088 people on one plane.

Yeah that’s what I was referring to. It sounds like the US-Philippines War was an endless string of My Lai massacres - but w/o any media to report it.

Without resistance, maybe. There are pictures and video of people killed by the Taliban after they took control in cities. Thousands of people in Kabul aren’t suddenly panicking for no reason. When the eyes of the world turn away, the Taliban’s first order of business will be revenge.

Any links to a solid, good-faith analysis of how this could’ve been executed differently? I assume everyone agrees that regardless of what you do prior to leaving, the moment you go from troops to no-troops, the same advance of the Taliban happens. So is this entirely about getting people out in advance who are in danger? I’m curious what the effective plan is to emigrate tens (hundreds?) of thousands of Afghans. And I can’t even imagine the pushback from the GOP if they were brought to the US.

I think so. Biden made the case for getting out well. As self-serving as they are, his excuses for this disastrous execution may well be true. Basically, he was betting there would be time for a more orderly exit where US citizens and Afghans who wanted to leave would have a chance to do that and the details of how to handle refugees could be worked out along the way. But what was the plan for this contingency? Are we looking at it? This shit looks like Trump-level planning.

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